Chapter 18

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⚠️Trigger Warning // Rape⚠️ Very sensitive topic so please read at your own discretion.

Sasuke pov:

"Are you absolutely out of your fucking mind? You seriously want us to team up with that bitch because she had a so called change of heart? No I won't." Ymir said snapping as Hange sighed.

"I must say I agree but this is the new revision and we must see to it as it is, we can't keep changing the plan because it'll start confusing everyone." Hange said.

"On the bright side, Historia is the last person we have to worry about actually trying to fight back due to her pregnancy and also due to her lack of combat ability." Armin said

"I don't care, I refuse to work with her I absolutely refuse." Ymir said.

"Ymir are you really that hell bent on killing her? Don't you love her? If you love her you wouldn't want to kill her or tear her down so quickly!" Mikasa said walking towards her and Ymir scoffed and looked directly at Mikasa.

"Look who's talking, you know of all people I didn't expect one of the most level headed people here to actually fall for such a crappy sob story from that manipulative bitch. Tell everyone the truth Mikasa, you're only forcing yourself to believe her because you know good and well you'd hate to be the reason that Eren's child dies. Had it been another man's child you probably wouldn't even listen to a word she has to say! You're being reckless trusting her!" Ymir said.

"No, you're wrong, I could care less about that..I'm simply trying to have more odds in our favor, If Historia is on our side it'll make it easier for you all to be in on the wedding it'll be easier to infiltrate she has secrets and intel we don't have, she has mental map of this entire palace and can assist us of saving ourselves from what will happen, you're letting hatred blind you from logic!" She snapped.

"Is it really logical though?" Jean said stepping up. "God I thought after the ramen, tonight would end good but it seems all good things are fucked up nowadays. Mikasa how do you know Historia isn't just trying to tag along now to know our moves? How do you know she's not going to trap us and have us all cornered at the wedding huh? Come on you're being stupid! Just plain fucking stupid." Jean said.

"You shut your fucking mouth Kirstein" Eren said snapping.

"No how about you shut your fucking mouth! You know this would have all been settled had you two not got bit that day! But no, you two were dumb enough to get bit and get controlled and now we're in this fucking mess! You slept with Historia! You've shared more than just 'fake love' you are having a baby with her! Yet you still claim you love Mikasa, I don't see what you did as love!"

"I did what I had to do! Had I not the King would have gotten suspicious and would have snooped around more than he should have and would have seen through what me and Historia were faking! What I have with Mikasa is real! It always has been!" He yelled.

"Oh yeah? Well while you were here playing disney with that witch! Mikasa was living through hell back at the city!" He said.

"Jean, shut up" Mikasa snapped.

"You haven't even told him? God how can you two love one another and not even be up front about anything?!"

"I said shut up Jean I won't say it again" she said dangerously low.

"Dude chill" Connie said taking Jean's arm only for him to violently pull away.

"No! I'm sick of all the secrets! This whole fucking thing is built on secrets!" He said turning back to Mikasa. "Go ahead Mikasa tell him!"

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