Chapter 17

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Sasuke pov:

"No" Hange stated.

"No?" Mikasa said.

Hange sighed. "Historia is a liar, we can't trust her as far as we can throw her. You really believed that sob story? Come on Mikasa you're better than that." She said.

"She wasn't lying I know it" She said.

"Is that so? You're going based off what you think you know? Or are you blinded at the fact that she's carrying Eren's child and no matter how many times you decide to find ways to kill it you can't! Historia lied to us for 7 years straight led us to think she was some goody two shoes who was too prissy to ever even scratch a Walker only to find out she wants to participate in multiple murder, genocide even to other countries who don't have what we have!" Hange snapped.

"Hange...She isn't lying. Plus if she was I told her I would be the one to kill her me! With my bare hands!"

"Could you really? Knowing she holds something precious to the man you love could you? Come on know she's lying why are you telling yourself she's not?" Hange asked.

"Hange I was there too! I don't think she's lying either." Sakura spoke up. "She doesn't want her child to be in a world of hate!. I felt the same when pregnant with Sarada, Her mindset has changed I know it!" Sakura pleaded.

Hange scoffed. "You're both just too naïve. My answer stands." She said. "Historia must die. If we really want to save our world, thats the only logical and possible way. If her bloodline continues to live it'll be a repeat in history we can stop that now. I won't ask you to do something you don't want to but I do ask you not stand in my way or anyone else's who resolve has already been set." Hange said as she walked past me but I stopped he by grabbing her upper arm.

"Just wait a second" I said calmly as her eyes widened behind her frames.

"I've said what I've needed to say." She said. "You're the only 5 who want to revise the plan, everyone else has their mind set."

"Four eyes." Levi's voice sounded.

"Levi?" She said.

"Do you hear yourself? You're willing to kill a child after Historia has said her peace, I thought you were one for second chances." He said

"I am, but Historia and her people have killed too many close to me, Erwin, Moblit, and even more, I can only give out so many second chances." She said. "I can only give a damn so much. I just can't allow her to live." She said.

"Those who break the rules are scum. Yes" Kakashi's voice sounded. "But those who leave a friend behind are worse than scum." "Historia is nothing but scum, but she was our friend she is our friend who was lead down the wrong path, its not her fault she was taught the ill things of her kingdom, she's opened her eyes and she's willing to help. Don't turn your back on that commander." He said.

Hange sighed as she pushed her glasses up.

"Fine." She said. "I'll revise the plan. But if she betrays us.."

"Dont worry, I'll kill her myself." Mikasa said darkly as Hange nodded.

"Lets go Armin." She said as he nodded.

"Ill make sure after the plan is revised you're all the first to know." He said as we nodded.

An exasperated sigh was heard from behind me as ai turned to see Eren.

"This is so fucking annoying." He said rubbing his temples. "I'm not sure what the fuck is going on anymore." He said exasperated as Mikasa walked over to him.

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