Chapter 9

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Levi pov:

"So you think we should plan a fake mission, have those three think its only them on said mission while everyone else is hidden and ready to take them down?" I asked.

"Yes Sir, it'll be the only way, due to us not knowing their true powers it'll be best if we handle it that way, you can lead them out as the captain to a place far from the city that way no damage is done to the other soldiers or innocent people in the vicinity." Armin said as I nodded.

"So where do Sasuke and Eren come in?"

"Well..they'll be hiding somewhere..ready to help with their abilities...Once we figure out how to trigger or activate their powers they'll be unstoppable. They're already powerhouses in regular combat imagine that power enhanced." Armin said as I nodded.

"Alright you two concoct a plan, I need to also plan a day we can leave for the Royal palace, I have a feeling our answers lie there."  I said as they nodded.

I turned leaving the two brainiacs to conjure up a set up plan, meanwhile there was something on my mind.

"Where the hell is Zeke?" He arrived at the city with us, and he traveled with us, he went on a solo mission and hasn't been back yet. Maybe the dumb bastard got's to smart for that.

"This is a headache." I said to myself aloud rubbing my temples.

"Taking charge usually is."

My eyes widened. No fucking way. As I slowly turned around, I was met by a tall blonde man, with blue eyes who looked down at me smirking.


"Captain" he said with smirk.

" were bit..I saw you get bit! You should be dead!" I said.

"Well..apparently if you cut off the area that was bit you stay alive." He said holding up a sleeve with nothing inside.

The bastard cut off his own arm.

"How'd you get here commander?" I asked.

"Sir, we were surveying the area outside the city and saw Commander Erwin arrive" A soldier named Floch said.

"I see, Take him to go see Hange, make sure he's up to date with everything so far." I said as they did the scout salute and walked away.

I walked off, a sense of relief washing over me knowing we have our most capable leader after Hange and Kakashi back to guide us.

"Captain Levi." A soft voice said as I turned to see Historia.

"Historia? You should be in your new quarters" I said.

"I know..I was just going to visit Sasuke and Eren again." She said

"That's like your third time today..why are you visiting them so much? Where's Ymir?" I asked as she looked down.

"Well Ymir and I aren't exactly talking." She said.

"Still doesn't answer my other question."

"Because I want to know why they loved me!" She said blushing. "I want to know why..."

"We told you its undecided as of why, you should simply go get some rest as ordered, you're visiting them more than their girlfriends are able to." I said as she kissed her teeth.

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