Chapter 4

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Sasuke pov:

It was the next morning, and my back was killing me, I ended up sleeping in a chair sitting beside me and Sakura's bed to keep a eye on her. She had a concussion and it wasn't the best idea to let her sleep so early yesterday, but seems she doing fine, so maybe I can get some sleep.

Right when I slipped into the bed the dobe and Jäeger came busting in.

"Up and at em Teme! We got a house to clean!" Naruto said.

Sakura jolted up a little too quickly at the noise and grabbed her head.

"Damnit, Naruto why are you always so damn loud?" Sakura said wincing.

"Sorry Sakura! I totally forgot you were injured yesterday!" The dobe said.

"I don't remember being told to clean" I said.

"That's because Eren was told to clean" Levi said as Eren and Naruto turned around to him to see him on the wall leaning with his arms crossed.

"What?! Eren told me everyone had to clean" Naruto said looking at a sweatdropping Eren.

"Uzumaki head downstairs and assist Jean, Eren clean" Levi said shutting the door to our room.

"Gosh" Sakura said as she laid back down on her pillow. "You okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, my head is just pounding. I'm going to go get some water" she said as she removed the blankets and sat at the edge of the bed for a moment before standing.

When she stood she almost fell back down which caused me to shoot up but Eren had quick reflexes and caught her.

"You should rest, I'll get you some water" he said.

"It's fine, you have to clean, I'll go" Sakura said as she walked towards the door opening it and walking out.

I sighed. "Of all people to get hurt" I said.

"Hm, It can be like that" Eren said as he swept the floor of the room.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Once Mikasa had got hurt while we were on the move, she was unconscious for 2 days, I was stressed, I didn't sleep, everyone wanted to take turns watching her, but I refused and stayed by her side, I couldn't bear seeing her hurt."

"What happened? How'd she get hurt?" I asked as he stiffened.

"She had saved me. Like she always does" he said sighing. "I don't ask her to, but even if a bee stings me she'll swat around me until it's dead, she's always a hair trigger away from doing something drastic or life threatening because of me." He said as he continued to sweep. "She suffers from headaches, Migraines per say, I think it's because some ultra instinct clicks when I'm in danger" He said.

" that why you love her? Because she loves you so much to risk her life for you?" I asked plainly.

"I guess thats one of the reasons, especially since I feel the same way, Anyone who deems a threat to Mikasa or anyone I love will die, Thats why I made it my mission to kill every Walker standing because they took away the people I love" he said.

It got quiet quick, real awkward too.

"Same" I said and thats when he turned around to me.

"Walker's killed my parents right in front of me, had to watch my parents turn and my brother kill them..again. I want to kill the bastard who started this and hang their head on a mantel" I said.

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