Chapter 7

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Sasuke pov:

Its been 3 days of us Laying in bed, I feel like shit. I looked down at Sakura who shivered slightly.

We all feel like shit.

Thats the last time we ever go skinny dipping in a lake while the wind blows.

I placed my hand on Sakura's shoulder, she wore a tank top since she was one of the people who had a fever.

"Sasuke.." she said with her semi raspy voice which was clearing up. "I need some water." She said as I nodded. Weakly I got out of bed and looked over at Mikasa and Eren who slept, sweating bullets

"We're all idiots." I murmured as I walked out the room. My body ached tremendously as I stepped down on each step. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't feeling every ounce of this sickness.

I hated being sick. It was rare for me to be sick, I try to stay healthy, hence my strict diet of tomato eating. I drank water and worked out regularly to stay fit and in shape, we all did, but one trip to a lake and we're all sick?

Yeah the wind was blowing but we all should've just caught a small cold not fevers, aching bodies, shivers, and tremors.

It felt like this was something else....

Could the water have been contaminated? I mean it's not too far off due to the fact there are actual zombies walking around and about..but what could it have been contaminated with? A virus? Parasites? Could something had latched on to our bodies causing us to fall sick?

I understand had we been sick for a day but 3 whole days of barely being able to move, and fever's rising.

Even Hange is clueless of what's happening. We're all waiting for Tsunade to get back.

Hange  is still trying her best though with her scientific expertise, she had a team go down to the lake and take samples and they're undergoing experiments to see whats in the water.

I knew it seemed to good to be true, a place as magical as that is bound to have a catch. I doubt Ymir knew that.

Atleast I hope she didn't know.

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a cup and began to let water fill the cup.

"Uchiha, what are you doing out of bed?" I turned to see Levi as he had a mask on keeping a distance from me.

"Getting my girlfriend some water. She's burning up" I said.

"You should've rang your bell Hange had set up in every room, I could've left it at the door" he said.

"I needed to move around, I'll stiffen if I sit in bed all day, I won't get better." I said.

"Yeah but you'll also risk contamination of objects and others. Whatever you guys have is contagious. I've been disinfecting and bleaching everything for 3 days." He said.

"You're just a paranoid clean freak, no one is contagious." I said.

"No...Hange said it's contagious, which is why she's trying to figure out what it is, plus we're waiting on the doctor to come back so she can look deeper into the illness itself."  He said. "Get back upstairs so I can Clean that area again" he said.

I rolled my eyes and went back upstairs, I opened the door to the room and watched as Mikasa was emptying the contents of her stomach into a bucket next to her and Eren's bed.

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