Chapter 2

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Sasuke pov:

"It's Almost day break Teme" Naruto said from beside me as I placed my Sword on my back and my guns on my hips.

"I know" I said as I looked up at the other group of individuals who prepped their items.

"You're not getting cold feet are you?" Sakura asked me as I chuckled.

"No" I said.

"Alright listen up scouts, we'll be following their lead to the city remember stay low and stay on guard" Levi said.

They all did a salute which was uncommon, they hit their chest with a fist and another fist hit their back

"Thats our scout salute" Armin said.

"Oh thats cool y'know" Naruto said with a cheeky smile which took Armin by surprise.

"Uchiha, how far is this trip?" Eren asked tying his hair into a small ponytail, looking down at me.

"If you don't slow us down we'll be there in a hour tops" I said plainly.

"We took back streets, no Walkers in those parts, if we follow the plan and the directions we'll be there in no time" Sakura said as I nodded

"Huh, and you sure this city is damn near free of Walkers?" He asked as I began to get annoyed.

"Do you think I would lie?" I asked glaring at the brunette before me.

"I don't know, you're just so random bastard who shows up, how can I possibly know if you're lying or not" he said as I stood up.

"You got a problem Jäeger?"

"Nothing that can't be solved Uchiha" he said as Sakura stood in front of me and Mikasa stood in front of him.

"Could you two calm down? We all have one goal and thats to survive, how can we do that when you're at each other's necks?" Mikasa asked.

"Sasuke calm down, don't let whatever he says get to you, we're all on edge and plus it's expected to not trust or be trusted so easily especially now" Sakura said.

I continued to look at Eren, my glare set.

"Lets move out" I said as I walked towards the door.

I lead the way to where we came from as everyone behind me followed. We hadn't come across any Walkers so far which was good.

Me,Sakura, and Naruto all began to hop fences like it was nothing, staying light on our feet.

"Guys slow down!" Armin said from behind us as all of them panted.

"Why do you guys travel with so much stuff? Its slowing you down, all you need is a weapon" Naruto asked.

"This is our ODM gear it helps us climb and holds our blades, these blades were designed to kill a Walker in one hit" Eren said.

"A bullet does the same, ditch the gear we have more where we're going." I said.

"Not happening" he said

"Stubborn asshole" I said.

We had to move slower than usual to get where we where going due to the Scouts not wanting to lose their gear.

"Shh, hear that?" Naruto said.

"Yeah, a group of Walkers" I said.

"There's a group of Walkers heading this way, whatever formation you guys have use it" Sakura said as we all jumped to our own formation.

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