Chapter 22

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Sasuke pov:

We were in the middle of the woods nearing the bunker but we had to come to a stop due to Sarada constantly throwing up and calming her from crying. She was in pain, and her eyes had yet to go back to their jet black color. It would be an understatement to say we were just worried. I was terrified. She was too young and too small and her body can't possibly handle the side of effects of this shit.

If Annie scratched her where the fuck was she? Did Sarada do something? Was she capable of using an ability? The sharingan can place anything under a genjutsu as an abnormal so was she able to do so out of a whim of survival? Most likely right.

"Sarada we're almost there here keep drinking this" Sakura said.

If anything she was panicking the most. My heart wrenched in my chest as I watched her do almost everything she could for our child. It's my fault really. I got her pregnant, I was the main reason Sarada was brought into this world, this goddamned forsaken world. Sakura found me here...had it be best had She stayed away? Would it have protected them? Should've, Could've, Would've, is all I can say, it's too late now, they're here and now I have to fix everything.

"There! Quickly lets go!" Karin said as we all sped towards where the bunker lay.

We hitched the horses immediately as I went to open the hatch.

"Karin stay on alert, if you sense anything that may have followed us you get in here and let us know." Levi ordered as she nodded. Usually there would have been a smart comment to the demand but even she knew this was not the time for that.

Once the hatch opened Sakura was the first to go down while holding Sarada then it was myself, and then the others followed.

I took the lead rushing her to an empty lab room which had a bed and let Sakura lay her down.

"Anything in here you recognize that you can work with?" I asked Sakura who was already scrambling looking for supplies.

"It's looks familiar enough, I believe I can do something." She said pulling out needles,syringes, and other medical supplies.

" it...hurts..." Sarada said weakly on the bed, a tad bit of blood on her lip.

Her eyes were half lidded but still scarlet as ever. Maybe I can deactivate it with my own sharingan that way her eyes wouldn't strain.

I activated it and looked down at Sarada her eyes looking into my own as I tried my best as her father to do the right thing for her. I noticed the red leaving and tried harder and thats when her eyes went back to their regular color.

"What did you do?" Sakura asked shocked.

"I used my Sharingan to deactivate hers somehow. It looked like it pained her so I wanted to help and ease it as much as I can."

"Thank you Sasuke" Sakura said softly as I stepped aside and allowed her to get to work. She began to examine the deep scratch Sarada had and began to clean it. It was an ugly gash that would leave her with her first scar. Sarada squirmed and both Levi and Mikasa helped hold her down as Sakura cleaned and injected her with medicines and began to wrap her up. She cleaned all the other scratches she had and eventually Sarada started to slowly and surely calm down. Her shaking began to cease and her tears stopped flowing.

Sakura herself sat on the bed pulling the white blanket that was with the bed over Sarada who's eyes closed slowly as she fell to sleep.

The door opened and we all snapped our heads in the direction of it and there stood Suigetsu, Jugo, and Orochimaru.

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