Chapter 21

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Ive been trying to keep a manga theme in the headers but I've given up😭 anywho chapter 21🤗🤧

Whew Goodluck with this one ⚠️TW: Gore⚠️ also not proofread or edited enjoyyyy❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Petra pov:

"Okay I'll watch her, I don't mind plus its my mission from Levi." I said to the couple.

"Thank you, since Historia will be back today I'm in charge of her check ups, and Sasuke is still under the king. Even though he knows Sasuke is going to still pretend."

"So did Eren really get the King to push the wedding back?" I asked.

"Thats what we read in the letter via my Hawk" Sasuke said as I nodded.

"Sarada is a intelligent child, she doesn't really need supervision but still watch her, she gets to moving alot when me and Sasuke both aren't around so watch her, her favorite game is hide n seek so if she gets bored play that with her. She's potty trained so she'll let you know when she needs to use it." Sakura said.

"Okay got it!"

"She loves Levi, so if you're experiencing any issues at all send him a letter via Sasuke's hawk which is perched outside. He will be here faster than you can utter his name." She said as I giggled blushing a little at the mention of Levi's name.

"Will do, you guys be safe and stay calm, anything asked about Sarada should be avoided for the time being, Levi's orders." I said as they nodded leaving.

Luckily Sarada was sitting with Eld and didn't see the two leave and that's when I went towards her.

"Alright Sarada dear, we're going to have a fun day together." I said smiling.

"Okay, Mama and Papa are gone already huh" she said as my eyes widened.

"H-how'd you know??"

"Mr. Eld told me. It's okay I understand." She said as I shot a glare towards Eld.

"Sorry" he said shrugging.

"Okay sweetie what do you want to do?" I asked.

"Do you have any pictures books? My mama had found one this one time and she let me look at it."

"Picture books? Uhh..let me see"

I scurried to a small little bookshelf we kept in the living room of the cabin and looked through the different books. Some did have pictures but of things a child shouldn't see, such as the anatomy of a body and other explicit things like Orou's filthy play boy magazine that was surviving by a single staple of being held together.

I sighed.

What I did see was a blank notebook and a few colorful pen's and immediately lit up.

"Sarada!" I said happily entering the room.

"Yes? Did you find a book?"

"No but I have something even better! Have you ever colored before?" I asked smiling.


"Well here let me show you, you have this blank book and these pretty pens, and you can use them to make your own pictures like this" I said drawing in the book. Her eyes lit up profoundly and she immediately was by my side.

"I want to try!" She said.

"Go ahead, you can have these, let me know if you need something." I said standing as the little girl continued to color and draw on the blank pages in her book.

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