Chapter 8

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Sakura pov:

"Sasuke wake up Damnit!" I yelled.

Sasuke and Eren both were bit but they were just knocked out not showing no signs of turning.

Usually when someone turns it takes no less than 5 minutes before they turn, but these two haven't made any movement at all.

I looked to the left of me and noticed Mikasa pull out a pocket knife.

"Wait what are you doing?"  I asked.

"I'm going to stab Eren." She said.

"What?! Why?!? They haven't turned so why.."

"To wake him up! He hasn't moved at all! We need to get them moving or we'll all be attacked by Walkers! Where the hell is Reiner, Annie, and Bertolt!" She screamed.

"I don't know they ventured off on their own." Levi said as he walked over.

I looked down at my pouch and pulled out a knife of my own, my hands shaking slightly, as I pointed it at Sasuke's leg.

"Here Sakura I'll help" Naruto said as he steadied my hand.

I nodded at him thanking him as I turned to Mikasa.

"If you think it'll work, lets do it." I said as groans from Walker's were heard outside getting closer to the tent.

"Make it quick we don't have much time!" Levi said as him and Kakashi readied their weapons as well as Historia who stood protectively in front of the children we liberated.

Me and Mikasa stabbed both Eren and Sasuke in their legs.

Immediately both their eyes shot open, but Sasuke's eyes glowed a menacing red color, like a glowing crimson, as Eren's eyes glowed a neon green color.

"Eren" Mikasa said.

"Sasuke" I said.

When I went to reach out to him, he only stared back at me, not saying anything. When I touched his face his hand shot up quicker than what my eyes could register and he grabbed my wrist and squeezed it tightly.

"Sasuke! You're hurting me!" I said.

I tried to release myself of his grip but it only got tighter and I could feel the bone in my wrist snap as my eyes widened and the pain hit me all at once and I yelled out in agony.

"Teme! What the fuck!"

Naruto went in and tried to punch Sasuke but he dodged it and punched Naruto sending him flying in a cage that used to hold a animal.

"Naruto!" I yelled as I looked at Sasuke who stood.

He didn't say a word, as he looked towards Levi and Kakashi and charged at them.

"Uchiha wake up!" Levi as he dodged a punch Sasuke sent his way, Levi tried to use his blade to slice at Sasuke but Sasuke grabbed it throwing it aside.

His attention went to Kakashi as he punched him.

His speed and agility was boosted.

But Sasuke wasn't Sasuke.

Eren then jumped up, pushing Mikasa out the way, she stood back up quickly and ran after him as he charged at Historia and the children. Which is where Sasuke was going.

"I something." I said strained as I held my now broken wrist.

I grabbed my blade and ran behind them.

SasuSaku x Eremika : WalkersWhere stories live. Discover now