Chapter 23

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Sasuke pov:

As we sat inside the bunker in the small room, Sakura laid beside Sarada as I sat in a chair in the room. Levi had gone with Karin and Mikasa to bring back Hange, so hopefully they were close to coming back.

I looked over at Sarada watching as sweat trickled on her forehead. Immediately I was up and used a clean rag to pat her forehead gently. I couldn't tell how she was feeling from this, all I knew was she had a fever. Damn Annie...I'll kill her, for burdening Sarada which such a cursed power. Turning mg daughter into an abnormal...

"Hey we're back" I looked up to see Levi standing in the doorway with Hange who brushed past him and examined Sarada gently.

"I see, here I've already concocted a small dosage of the antidote which should be sufficient enough for her body, Sasuke wake Sakura that way you both can hold her down if need be." She said as I nodded.

I nudged Sakura awake and when she did wake up We filled her in as she was quick to hold Sarada down. Hange pulled out a small needle and found a spot on Sarada's arm where she would Inject the antidote.

"Alright I'll inject her now. Hopefully this works." Hange said as she injected the needle pressing down on it injecting the fluid into Sarada's arm.

Her erratic breathing began to steady and her eyes slowly began to open, the wound on her arm clearing at an alarming rate.

"Mama...Papa...where am I?" She said softly. "What happened to Ms. Petra." She asked as we both looked at Hange and Sakura lunged to hug her.

"Thank you so much, Thank you Hange, Thank you, Thank you!" She said. "You saved her!"She cried.

"No problem, I'm happy it worked! I have my notes here for the antidote, I'll have to up my dosage so older people are able to take it, I'll also try to change its state from liquid to gas that way instead of having to inject alot of people we can use canisters or empty smoke bomb canister to distribute the antidote and anyone who is an abnormal will immediately be cleared, it's obviously harmless.

"Hange you're a savior I really can't thank you enough." Sakura said.

"You can thank me by heading back to the palace..." she said.

"Now? Did something happen?"

"Annie returned, she was bloody...she claimed that Sarada made her hurt herself with her now the king has almost every entrance locked off and has The scouts and Konoha 12 under strict surveillance. We need to get back because we got out through a secret entrance Connie and Jean ended up finding." Levi said.

"Really? Sarada was able to do that?" I asked looking down at her.

"Mustve been in the spur of the moment, but now that the King knows of this he's going to want her more than ever now, she is to not leave unless we are out with her but other than that she stays and that's an order." Levi said.

"I agree with Levi, with the wedding being pushed back it'll give the right amount of time for me to make just enough of the antidote gas, when you get back to the palace try getting to Armin and Shikamaru and tell them that the small dosage did work on the child and that we are starting." She said.


Me and Sakura sat on Sarada's bed as she looked at us weakly.

"We'll be back okay? You're safe here with Hange, Karin, and Suigetsu." Sakura said.

"We'll be back little one." I said as she nodded.

"See you later munchkin." Levi said as he hugged her.

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