Chapter 11

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Sakura pov:

I felt nothing but was cold the floor was cold..but why was I on the floor.. i went to move my hands and someone was restraining me..wait..are these chains.

Am I in a cell?

I went to open my eyes fully only to be brought face to face with the blonde who started this all.

"Historia?" I said.

"You're awake." She said softly. "You're probably wondering why you're locked away in our dungeon. Don't worry your child is fine" she said.

My eyes widened at her mention of Sarada. She's here too?! "Where is my daughter?" I snapped.

"She's with the nannies. Being tended to" she said.

"Bring her to me this instant! She doesn't need to be tended to by nannies her mother is right here!" I said.

"Calm down, I'm sure why you're aware of the reason we sent men out to bring you guys back" she said as my breath hitched.

Had she known Sasuke snuck us in before? But how..he wouldn't have tol- he was controlled again. what happened to the others? Is everyone back in the city okay? Mikasa? Levi? Naruto? Ino?

I began to panic.

"What have you done.." I said.

"Sakura, you broke a law, you'll be dealt with accordingly. As for the little girl, the ki-my father has other plans." She said.

"What do you mean?"

"She is a descendant of an Uchiha, she possess their blood, she'll be brought up as a Soldier that way in the future she can protect and defend her future ruler which will be me and Eren's child." She said casually.

"Are you out of your mind? My daughter won't be any ones slave! I don't give a damn who the future ruler is!. Plus what makes you think Eren would agree to that?" I shouted.

"It's not his choice..I'm aware that me and Eren are in a loveless relationship soon to be marriage. Butnwe have duties, and we must fulfill them, if we don't the world will shatter and everything we knew as home will be long gone."

"The world already shattered we're just trying to pick up the pieces to build it again in the light of peace instead of hate! You want our children to have to fight for their lives like we had to at a young age? I suppose you didn't really have to fight at all did you now, princess" I said sarcastically.

"You'll face the royal council soon, if you want to keep your head I advise you keep your mouth shut." She said. As she was about to turn a guard came down panting.

"Your highness it's been done...Sasuke Uchiha has killed traitor Itachi Uchiha" the guard said as my eyes widened.

No...we had a plan..a full proof plan that guarantees Sasuke's freedom and Itachi live not being a gamble. way..Sasuke would never...No..

"I see, have the traitors head brought to my father, we'll discuss Sasuke at a later date, maybe his acts of treason today will be brushed off as a warning." Historia said as the guard bowed escorting her upstairs.

I sat back, in shock as tears slid down my face at the thoughts of everything thats happened.

"There she is Falco" a little girl's voice was heard.

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