Chapter 1: The crash.

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(A/N): Animal name
(Y/N): Your name
(F/C): Fur colour


(3rd person POV)

2 Days later

(Y/n) was leaving to earth today. As much as she hates it she has to go. She doesn't wanna go to earth but something deep inside her kinda makes her exited to go? Wouldn't anyone be? Exploring a new planet for a mission. Seems kinda cool. Right..?
As (Y/N) was checking her suitcase she noticed a watch. It's a special one, Professor Robotnik had the same one. He always calls his minions with it.

((Y/N) POV)

I grab my suitcase and make my way to the main area. I see Professor Robotnik waiting for me. "Hey there Prof!" I said Happily as he looks at me. "Don't call me 'Prof'. He said with no emotion. To be honest, I feel like he doesn't care at all anymore. Even if i crash into earth and fail, i'll never be special enough for him. It kinda hurt seeing him with no emotion. "I'm sorry Professor." I said "It's alright (Y/N). The ship is ready in the launching area." He said looking down at me. "Are you sure everything is going good? I don't wanna crash into earth and never come back here." "Don't worry (Y/N), I made a watch for you, if anything goes wrong you will be able to call me." He said.

I look at the watch and had one question popping up. "Where will i find the emerald?" I asked while we we're walking to the launching area. "Everything you need is on the watch i gave you." He awnsered.

(3rd person POV)

They arrived at the launching area. There we're a lot of other people that worked for Professor Robotnik. All of them wore headphones with microphones on them. They also wore a special suit. It was all black and had Professors logo on the back of it.

Everyone was in a different room as they watched (Y/N) go into the ship. Some people we're anxious. Are they really sending this space (A/N) to earth?

The ship was not little nor was it big. It was just the perfect size for (Y/N). It had an auto control, A lot of buttons and a seat.

((Y/N) POV)

I was kinda scared to go into the ship. I looked behind me to see Professor holding a thumbs up. How is this man not afraid to fail.. I went into the ship and sat down. I heard the auto control talk. "Welcome aboard, passenger. Please enter name.." It said as I watched a screen pop up. It said 'name here' "I hate this already." I said pissed off but scared at the same time.

I enter my name and it popped to a picture of me and my information. "What the hell?" I said looking weirdly at the screen. "(Y/N) the (A/N). Traveler to planet Earth." It said. "Please follow these instructions." It showed me the instructions with seatbelts. I put on my seatbelts and skip to the next instruction. "Button usage" It said in the screen. There we're like 15 different buttons. I wasn't allowed to touch them unless there's an emergency.

As i followed the last instruction I checked if i had everything. I hear my watch beep. "That must be Professor." I said to myself as i picked up. "(Y/N) i hope you followed the instructions. You will be leaving in 1 minute!" He said through the watch. "Yes Professor, I did everything the instructions told me to." I said. "Good. You will be flying with auto pilot. And remember! Use the buttons for emergency." He said and i hung up.

There was a count down. 10...9... "Here we go.." I sighed. 7...6....5... "This is so stupid." I thought. 3....2....1.... The ship blew fire from the back and flew away. I was worried but it was pretty cool to see space like this. Earth wasn't so far away anyways so what could go wrong?

(3rd person POV)

'What could go wrong' she thought. But little did she know everything could go wrong. One rocket wasn't working properly. Smoke started to come out of it as soon as (Y/N) was about to go into the atmosphere of the earth. She pressed every button but none of them seemed to do anything. "This is it" She said. "That dumb professor should've listened to me" She started to get mad and scared as the ship was circling and rotating. The other rocket started to get fire in it. The fire spread along the wing.

(Sonic's POV)

Me and my team we're watching Eggman scream to Dave. "I ASKED FOR A HAMBURGER WITH FRIES!" He shouted to him. "I'm on my break!" Dave said as he was grabbing a football and started playing with it. "Gah, this place need better workers." I said to Amy. "I know right. I think I would make a great chef here!" Amy said. I noticed Knuckles looking in the sky, not even blinking once. "Hey Knucks whatcha looking at?" I asked him. "Yeah you haven't been saying a word." Tails joined in. "I'm looking at that falling star in the sky" Knuckles said and pointed a finger to the sky. "Wow that's a big star." Amy said.

"Uh guys..?" Tails said. "I don't think it's a star.." He began. "YOU MEAN ITS AN ALIEN SHIP CRASHING INTO EARTH TO EAT OUR BRAINS AND SOULS??!" Sticks joined in. "Sticks, i'm sure there's a prefect solution for this flying object." I said a little panicked. "Right Tails?!" I looked at him with wide eyes. "LOOK ITS CRASHING INTO THE FOREST!" Sticks said and pointed to the forest. We heard the object crash and we ran up to it. Of course I was the first in to be there.

Everyone arrived and looked at the ship. Tails walked up to it until I saw Sticks run to me and grabbing my shoulders. "SEE I WAS RIGHT ALIENS ARE REAL! WHO IS THE CRAZY ONE NOW!" She said as she was shaking me. "Tails, please tell
me what she's saying isn't true." I said. Tails looked up to me and just shrugged. How can he be so calm about this. "Maybe the ship is full of ice cream" I heard Knuckles say.

Tails opened the ship and we all came closer to look expect for Sticks. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING. THE ALIEN IS GONNA EAT YOUR BRAIN!!" She shouted. We opened the ship and saw a (A/N) in our forms. She seemed to be a girl by the body type. She had (F/C) and was blacked out. She was rolled into a ball form. It's like when I do a spin attack.

"AWH Poor little thing. She is injured everywhere!" Amy said.

((Y/N) POV)

In the ship before it crashed.

The ship was falling down and the inside was flashing red lights. "Why me?.. JUST WHY" i screamed. I look at the window and see a ground in a forest. "IM GONNA CRASH" I said. The only thing I could come up with was rolling into my ball form and hoping it would save me from my death. I used my Protection field to protect myself from the bonn that was about to come. The next thing i saw was only black.

(3rd person POV)

Knuckles picked (Y/N) up and brought her with his friends to Amy's house. Amy said she would take care of her injuries and make room for her. Sticks grabbed a lot of wapeons to protect herself from 'The alien'.

Time skip

They arrive at Amy's home and put her on the couch. Amy grabbed her first aid kit and poured alcohol on the bloody injuries so it won't get infected.

(Amy's POV)

I was done wrapping her up and fixing her injuries. I checked up on everyone else to see if they weren't destroying any of my home furniture. "She kinda looks like one of us. How did he manage to get here?" Sonic asked. "I don't know but I will run some tests on her. I wanna make sure she has no kind of evil." Tails said. "I'm telling you this alien is more than evil. we are all going to die here and your not even worried!!" Sticks said. "Sticks come on. Look at her she's so peaceful. I'm sure she's not evil." I said.

To be continued.

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1420 words

Vixie out!

𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙗𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧 (Shadow x Reader)(Sonic boom)Where stories live. Discover now