Chapter 8: Bonding?

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(Y/N): Your name
(A/N): Animal name
(F/C): Fur colour

(3rd person POV)

Sonic and Amy we're out so (Y/N) invited Tails and Knuckles for a game. The three of them we're at the beach playing volleyball. "This game needs more people i'm telling ya (Y/N)." Tails said. "Nah man we can do this!" (Y/N) yelled. It was Knuckles and Tails vs (Y/N). "ALRIGHT LETS GO!" Knuckles yelled as he served the ball. The ball went pretty far so (Y/N) had to teleport to it but she didn't notice the ball almost landed hitting her face. "AUGH!" She yelled. Knuckles and Tails ran up to her. "Are you okay (Y/N)!?" Tails asked lifting her head up from the ground. "Maybe you we're right.." She mumbled. "Let's get inside and play something else." He said. Knuckles helped (Y/N) up but she soon fell again. "Is it just me or is the world spinning like crazy?" She said laughingly. "I think the ball hit her head really hard Knucks.." Tails said. "Cool! I am like the HULK!" Knuckles said proudly, getting a glare from Tails. "Let's just bring her inside." Tails said helping her up. Knuckles was on the left side of (Y/N) lifting her up with her arm around his neck and the same with Tails.

They both got in Amy's house and put (Y/N) on her couch. "I like turtles!" (Y/N) yelled. "She's acting like she's got her wisdom out and still has the injection!" Knuckles said. "We have to keep her here." Tails said and they both walked to the kitchen leaving (Y/N) on the couch. "And keep and eye on her. We can't let Amy see her like this or else we're dead!" He continued.

Meanwhile (Y/N) stood up from the couch and walked towards the door. She crashed into a lot of stuff on the way but then made it. She walked to Meh-burger at was waiting in line. "Uuuggggghhhhh hurry uppppppp!" She yelled and just walked through the line. "Hey! Just wait patiently." Someone in line yelled but (Y/N) just pulled a middle finger at them. "A burger with fries and a vanilla milkshake." She said to Dave and he looked with a weirded look on his face. "Alright then i'm getting it jeez," He said. "People should get their own food." He mumbled.

10 minutes have passed and (Y/N) still didn't get anything. "Ugh this is talking too long." She yelled and got in the kitchen of the restaurant. "Hey employees only!" He said without even trying to stop her.

After she got the food she walked in the forest and sat under a tree. "This fry looks like a stick!" She said to herself while laughing. There was movement behind the bushes. "WhAt iS tHaT?" She said. Of course the (Y/N) who wasn't hit by a ball wouldn't go the direction. But since she wasn't herself she walked towards the movement. "Aha!" She yelled. Thought she got something but there was no one there. She looked around and saw a mysterious cave. "Omg history!" She said as she ran to the cave and went inside.

The cave had mysterious drawings in it and some rocks. "This is boring." She said to herself while looking at the drawings. "What the hell are YOU doing here?" A voice creeks. (Y/N) turns around to see Shadow. "Why are you always so grumpy?" She asks while laughing. Shadow looks at her with a confused look but his look changed back into his cold one. "Get out." He said in a serious tone. "HAHA! gEt OuT (Y/N) eLsE i wIlL sPiNdAsh yOu oUt!" She mocked him. "That is me mocking you grumpy head." He got enough of this and spin dashed (Y/N). She fell on the ground. The hit made her head spin around even more. "Ugh..." She said putting her hand on her head. "Everything is spinning again haha!" She said before fainting to the ground.

There was a long silence and Shadow just looked at the (A/N) laying on the ground. "Can't believe i'm actually gonna do this right now." He mumbled and picked (Y/N) up. He walked further inside the cave and got a first aid kit. He lays (Y/N) down on a rock. It wasn't a hard rock but it's also wasn't soft.

He got a hot towel on puts it on her head. After that he fixes the injuries from the ball Knuckles threw at her. "So pathetic..." He mumbles while focusing on the injuries and fixed them.

𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙗𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧 (Shadow x Reader)(Sonic boom)Where stories live. Discover now