Chapter 3: His new friend..

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(Y/N): Your name
(A/N): Animal name
(F/C): Fur colour

((Y/N) POV)

We we're at Amy's house and her friends wouldn't stop asking about my gadgets and space ship. I mean, surely it looks cool but these animals we're asking 10 questions per minute. "How does your watch connect to your planet? Are there more of our kind? Who created you..?" The last question was a little shocking to me for some reason. "It doesn't connect anymore. Yes there are more kinds. And I was created by Professor Robotnik." I said. Everyone looked shocked with wide open mouths at me. expect Knuckles. Clearly he didn't understand. "What's a professor?" He asked. I just looked at him with a cold face. "Wait wait wait.!" Tails said. "ROBOTNIK??" "Uhm yes? Is there a problem." I said defensively. "Isn't Eggman's last name Robotnik?" Sonic joined.

"Why are we talking about my Professor?" I asked. Everyone just looked at me. "May I ask you..." Amy said. "What's your Professors whole name?" I was confused about these questions. "Gerald Robotnik?" I said. They all started whispering to each other and it kinda pissed me off. "JUST TELL ME ALREADY!" I raged and everyone just stared at me. "Does Gerald Robotnik have a son?" Tails asked. "Well, uh yeah? I think his name was Ivo?" I said. "They all looked at each other. "Let's go get some chili dogs." Sonic changed the subject. "What's a chili dog?" I asked confused. I've never had a chili dog. In my planet we eat different things. Like mushrooms, fish, etc. "Are you insane?? It's like the best food ever!" Sonic said.

"I'll see ya guys at mehs!" Sonic said as he ran off. "Super speed huh?" I said and Amy looked at me. "Yeah, he's the fastest hedgehog." She said. "We'll see about that!" I said as i super speed right next to him. "Hey there snail! I betcha i'm faster." I said and ran past him as he used more of his speed. We we're finally at this meh burger place. Me and Sonic couldn't tell who was first. But if i'm being honest, I think it was me! "Wow didn't know you had speed too!" He said looked up at me. His hands we're on his knees because he got tired. I got tired too. I saw the others walk up too as Knuckles waved at us.

Everyone was sitting at the table. "So, you can order any food that's in this menu! I think your gonna love it!" Amy said. I just stared at the menu and walked up to some blue guy arguing with someone. "Ugh you got your order now goooooo!" He said. I just stared at him and told him my order. "Okayyyy just wait here i'm on my breaakkkk!" He said as he ran up to a stove.

I waited for 7 minutes as he finally came. "Here's your order." I grabbed the plate and walked over to our table. I couldn't tell the difference of the food until Sonic said it's the wrong order. "As man! Dave messed up my food again. This place needs better employees." He groaned. "What is this then?" I asked. "Oh, it's fries and mayo with a burger." Knuckles explained. I tried the fries and it was amazing. "Wow these yellow sticks taste amazing! I've never eaten something like this before!" I was very amazed and tried the burger. "Jeez and this burger tastes good too! I need more of this!" I said while still eating.


A loud bang came from the middle square. Everyone at the table ran to the bang while I was just walking innocently with my fries. That's when some laser shot game up to me and i dropped my fries. "Hey! That was my fries." I said, with a sarcastic sad tone. "I've had enough of this already, I don't even know you!" I said as I teleported behind him and threw him off his flying mobile thingy. "Do you know who I AM?!" I said getting mad. "No, but I have a special guest with me!" Eggman said laughing.

Everyone stood up in a fighting pose circling around. "Sonic! I think you remember my good friend.." As he stood up and walked sideways. "Not him again." Sonic and Tails groaned. I saw a black hedgehog with red quills. He had golden rings around his wrists and ankles. and wore white with red and black shoes. "Who is that guy?" I asked. "(Y/N), you might wanna go back to Amy's and just stay there. We will handle our buisness!" Knuckles said. "But I can help! My powers are strong enough i can handle them." I said. "JUST GO (Y/N)!" Sticks screamed. "Alright alright i'm going."

(3rd person POV)

Eggman's plan was going perfect. He sent Cubot and Orbot to kidnap (Y/N).

As (Y/N) was walking towards Amy's house, she noticed a rope on the ground. It had a form of a circle. But the usual (Y/N) doesn't know it's a trap to catch someone.
She walked up to the rope and stood in the circle. "Pfft what even is this?" She laughed. But the laugh quickly stopped as (Y/N)'s legs were tied up together.

"WE DID IT ORBS!" Cubot said. "BOSS IS GONNA BE SO PROUD!" "YES HE IS! Now, help me get her to the layer and surprise boss when he comes back with Shadow!" Orbot said as they both grabbed (Y/N) and went to the lair.

To be continued...

Ty for reading this chapter! Sorry it's so short, the next one is longer!

Ty for reading this chapter! Sorry it's so short, the next one is longer!

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948 Words

Vixie out!

𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙗𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧 (Shadow x Reader)(Sonic boom)Where stories live. Discover now