Chapter 4: Locked up.

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(Y/N): Your name
(A/N): Animal name
(F/C): Fur colour

(3rd person POV)

(Y/N) was brought to Eggman's lairby Orbot and Cubot. "WHAT IS GOING ON? LET ME GO YOU CUBED YELLOW ROBOT!" (Y/N) screamed at them. "You have no idea who you're dealing with right now." she growled. "How do you shut off an (A/N)?" Cubot asked. "You can't. It's not robotic and we didn't make her blackout." Orbot explained to his cubed friend. "WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?" (Y/N) yelled again. "You." Orbot said coldly. "Ugh.. How can you call someone a hero when he never shows up." She said. Little did she know, Sonic had no idea where she went.

(Sonic POV)

After the fight with Eggman and Shadow

We we're done fighting with those two imbeciles. Shadow really hit me hard, I can't feel my everything anymore. "God that hedgehog got me good.." I said. "Yeah talk about it." I heard Amy said. The other we're injured worse than me. I forgot about their injuries too. "He spun me around and threw me to a fence." Tails said. "I hit my head so hard. It hurts and I have a serious short term of memory loss." He continued. It was silent until i heard Tails talk again. "And i have serious short term of memory loss." He repeated. "I almost got him, if he didn't use his teleportation i would've gotten him." Knuckles said. "We all can say the same Knucks." Sticks joined in.

"Good thing we sent (Y/N) back." Amy said. "Yeah." I said after, staring at Amy and enjoying everything about her. "Wait- where is (Y/N)?" Tails said. I noticed (Y/N) wasn't at Amy's when we told her to come here. "What if she's lost?" "What if she ran off or worse.." "WHAT IF EGGMAN HAS HER!" Knuckles stressed. "Wow i've never seen Knuckles stressed." Sticks said. "Me neither, he's weird." Knuckles said. "AM NOT!" He then said after. "Guys focus! (Y/N) is not here!" Amy cut them off. "Right! Search the whole village!" I said

Everyone headed off to the village in separate ways. I checked mad-burger and the middle square. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Amy told me she searched all shops and salons but found nothing either. Sticks went into the forest and didn't come back. It happens a lot. Tails was looking at the same place over and over again because of his short term memory loss. Knuckles came back with a hotdog. "I forgot what we needed to do so i got this hotdog." He said. "WE NEED TO FIND HER!" Amy said. "Maybe Eggman knows where she is?" I said

((Y/N) POV)

The two robots put me in some cell with an invisible socking field. Every time I touched it I got an electric shock. There we're two other people coming in. Finally some non robotics. "Hello there boss! We got a surprise for you!" The yellow robot said, his name was Cubot. "You are gonna be very proud of us." The other one said, his name was Orbot. "What is it. I'm not in a good mood right now." Eggman said. The hedgehog i saw in the village was here too, again. "Well, I'm sure your mood is gonna boost up when you see this!" Orbot said to Eggman, while walking towards the cell. "Just show us already!" Eggman screamed at them. I heard their footsteps getting closer so I payed down and pretended to sleep for some reason. I didn't want any drama now and I was pretty tired.

As I heard the footsteps getting closed per second I got nervous. I layer down and closed my eyes and just tried to make it look real. "Say hello to (Y/N) sir! This is the (A/N) you wanted us to get." Orbot said. "OH MY GOD YOU GOT HER SO QUICK!" Eggman said happily. Why is this man happy? He just stole some random space animal he doesn't even know. "What is that?" The black hedgehog asked. He had a pretty deep voice. "This is (Y/N) the (A/N). She crashed into earth 2 days ago. We have no information about her yet. We stole her from Sonic and his friends so we can lure them into my trap. I'm such a genius!" Eggman explained.

My ear twitched and he seemed to notice. "Looks like she's awake!" Eggsy said. I just woke up and looked at him. "What do you want from me bald head." I said pissed off. Who does he think he is? "Well my darling, I'm gonna ask you some questions." He said. "I'm not gonna tell you a SINGLE THING BALDI!" I yelled at him. "Stop calling me names you space creature!" He got pissed off. "I'm gonna take a shower. ORBOT CUBOT COME WITH ME!" He yelled. "Aw man..." I heard the two robots say.

After the three of them left, I was left with the Black hedgehog. He just stared at me and I gave him a death glare. "Your a shame to all Mobians! Locking me up to work for this human? Shame on you." I said to him. He looked mad at me and I mocked his face. "Quit it." He said in a deep tone. "When I get out of here, I'm gonna destroy you, the egghead and burn down this lair!" I yelled at him "QUIT IT!" He yelled back. "Just mark my words." I continued in a mad and whispery tone.

(3rd person POV)

Sonic and his friend looked around the whole place. Sticks came back after hours with nothing. "TAILS! YOU HAVE THAT CAMERA RIGHT?" Amy yelled and asked. "Stop screaming, and yes I do, we can go there now and check the recordings!" Tails said.

The group walked to Tails workshop and went on the laptop to check the files. "Okay, I'm gonna set up the timing to the time we fought Eggman and Shadow. I set the camera around Amy's house and we can see where (Y/N) is!" Tails explained. "Why do you have a camera at Amy's?" Knuckles asked. "I added a camera at everyone's house to see when someone is in danger, for example, if Eggman tried to get us one by one." He continued. "Then one of us would see where they went!" Tails said while skipping to the time. 'Recording corrupted' The laptop said at the time they fought Eggman and Shadow.

"Nice try buddy." Sonic said while patting Tails shoulder. "I really thought no one would know I had these cameras." Tails said in a sad tone. "Maybe we should check Mad-burger again to see if she went there after we we're done fighting?" Amy said in a worried tone "Don't worry Ames! We will find her." Sonic said as he side hugged her.

To be continued...

Ty for reading this chapter! :D

Ty for reading this chapter! :D

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1166 Words.

Vixie out!

𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙗𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧 (Shadow x Reader)(Sonic boom)Where stories live. Discover now