Chapter 2: Eggman's meeting.

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(Y/N): Your name
(A/N): Animal name
(F/C): Fur colour


(3rd person POV)

(Y/N) was laying down on Amy's couch, still not waking up. "What if she's dead?" Sonic asked. "I'm sure she's not dead, though her heartbeat is very fast." Tails said. "It's just as fast as Sonics heart!"


"Did you hear that?" Knuckles said. "Yeah! Eggman is outside again with his gadgets." Amy said.

They all go outside and fight Eggman and his robotic minions. "Why did you have to come now Egghead!" Sonic said annoyed. "Oh, I just wanted to distract you from my greatest invention." "What invention?" Sonic asked. "I sent my 2 smartest robots Cubot and Orbot to Mad burger to destroy that employee." Eggman said proudly. "Never thought i'd say this... but we have to save Dave!" Sonic said. "Wait! I forgot my boomerang at Amy's house!" Sticks said. "Can I please go and get is Ames?" "Fine but don't destroy anything." Amy glared at her.

Sticks arrived at Amy's house looking for her boomerang. She was in her kitchen checking all pans for some reason. But she stopped when she heard a strange noise. Sticks was looking outside to see if it was one of her friends. "What was that?" She said to herself. Sticks ignored it and kept searching. There was a large shadow behind her. About to attack Sticks. "What th-." The large shadow got her.

Time skip

Sonic and his friends go back to Amy's house but the door seemed to be closed. "Hey Ames do you have your keys?" Sonic asked. "Well yes. It's my house after all." Amy opened the door and was shocked to see Sticks tied to a chair. "OMG STICKS WHAT HAPPEND?" Amy rushed at her trying to get the rope off. Sonic, Tails and Knuckles still we're standing at the door also shocked. "Wow what happend here? Where is that girl?" Tails asked. "MMMmMmmmMmmMmMmmmMMMMM" Sticks tried to say something but the tape on her mouth blocked it. "Sticks let me help you with the tape. Look at me." Amy said.

Amy took off the tape from Sticks mouth and Sticks scream out. "BEHIND YOU!!" That's the moment (Y/N) tried to attack the three boys at the door. "AUGHH" Sonic groaned as (Y/N) attacked him from behind. "Knuckles don't stand there do something now!" Tails said. "Alright alright." He said as he took (Y/N)'s arms and took her off Sonic.

They all pushed her on the chair where she put Sticks on. "PUT THE ROPE ON HER FAST!" Sticks screamed. Sonic grabbed the rope and circled it around (Y/N) with his speed. (Y/N) just glared at all of them not saying one word. "Okay, who are you and how did you get here?" Amy asked. "I'm telling you it's and alien! She tried to kill me!!!" (Y/N) said nothing and just looked at Amy. "What if she doesn't understand English?" Knuckles said as he walked up to her and started doing weird moves. "Beep boop bap bap beep." He said. "Knuckles i'm sure she doesn't speak your beep boop language." Tails said.

"Do you speak English?" Sonic asked as he walked up to her. (Y/N) just sent him a glare. "This isn't going to work." Sonic groaned as he left the house. "I'll see you guys after i ate all of my chilli dogs." He walked out. (Y/N) just sighed and glared at the others. "Hello there.. so can you understand us?" Knuckles asked. "KNUCKLES I'M TELLNG YOU ITS AN ALIEN" Sticks screamed. "Sticks stop screaming, i'm sure she's just scared." Amy said.

Amy walked up to (Y/N) and she just widened her eyes at Amy. "Don't worry we're only helping, I promise."

((Y/N) POV)

The pink lady walked up to me and I widen my eyes. I was pretty scared of them. They kept asking me if i could understand them, of course I could understand them but I just stayed silent "Don't worry we're only helping, I promise." The pink lady said. She looked pretty sweet. She was pink and had a cute red dress. Her eyes we're a beautiful emerald green colour.

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