Chapter 6: It meant nothing.

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(Y/N): Your name
(A/N): Animal name
(F/C): Fur colour

((Y/N) POV)

Yesterday was a strange night. For someone reason Shadow was 'nice'. But after I told him about my creator he just teleported away. If i'm being honest, I feel like we could be friends. Maybe it did mean that..? At least it's better than enemies? What am I even thinking!?

Me Amy and Sticks planned to go out for a day just to hang and so they could learn more about me. I was getting ready in Amy's extra guest room. I wore my clothes on and went the living room. I saw Amy making some breakfast and Sticks on the couch upside down. She was doing yoga but in a.... different way. I just stared at her and a lot of questions came up. "What are you doing?" "Oh it's yoga! I do it like this because I don't trust the internet!" She said. "What is a yoga?" I asked. It's obvious why I didn't know, at my place I never saw anyone do this. "You seriously need to learn more things on earth." Amy joined in.

"This is very strange to me." I said. "That's alright (Y/N)! That's why you have US! We will make sure you'll learn everything you need to know on earth!" Amy said excitedly. I was pretty excited too, I basically got actual friends now. On the planet where I was from I only had robot friends. It was cool but they didn't really understand me. "Alright I made breakfast! Never go outside without a full stomach." Amy said as she placed the food for us. Me and sticks sat down at the table and we talked about random things. "Sticks I can assure you, there are no dangerous creatures on my planet." I told her. I was actually unsure about that. Professor always hid things for me. Whenever I asked about his experiments he just says 'Don't worry (Y/N), they will be fine!"

We finished up our food and cleaned the table. We got up and went out. It was currently 01:35 pm. "OOHH Let's go to the salon!" Amy said. "Selon??" "It's pronounced Salon silly. It's where you can chillax a little and people will take care of you." Amy explained. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" Sticks asked. "YESSS NOW LETS GO!!" Amy said and pulled our arms with her.

We went inside the so called salon. We got greeted and sent to 3 seats. It was a black seat and big. The head of the chair was looking weird to me. The woman told me to put my head in an relax. I did as she said and she walked up to my and put her hands on my back. My senses got up VERY QUICK as i attacked the lady. "AAAHH!" The lady screamed. "WHAT ARE TOU DOING! ARE YOU TRYING TO LOCK ME IN THAT CHAIR? ILL SHOW YOU SOME REAL SHIT!" I yelled and attacked the woman more. "(Y/N) CALM DOWN SHE WAS JUST MASSAGING YOUR BACK!" Amy yelled. "GO (Y/N)!!" Sticks yelled also but Amy lightly punched her arm. They took me off the lady and the lady just screamed at me. I wasn't listening anyway. "I'll get you kicked out of here!!" The woman yelled. "I'll show you what kicking means!" I growled back as she took a step back. "Let's go (Y/N)." Amy said.

We went outside and walked up to a bench. "I can't believe that happend. Awesome job (Y/N)." Sticks said. "STICKS!" "Whaaattt?" "It's fine (Y/N) you just need to learn." Amy told me.

It was now 03:25 pm. We we're at mad-burgers. I ate some fries with mayo and I ordered a burger but got a children's toy. "At least my fries are good." I said while eating. "Don't talk with your food in your mouth that's gross." Amy said laughing. "Oh come in Amy let her have fun!" Sticks then said. I kinda was enjoying this girls time until the boys came up. Knuckles, Tails and Sonic joined our table. "Hey guys!" Amy said smiling. I was just minding my fries while everyone was just talking.

I noticed movement in the corner of my eye so i turned to the bushes but saw nothing. Everyone else was talking to each other while i was still staring at the bushes. I saw soft movement almost unnoticeable. "(Y/N) are you okay?" Tails asked me. "I'm fine, I just watched the bushes thinking about something unnoticed." I said. "That's called zoning out. It happens a lot to me too (Y/N)." Sonic said to me. "Yeah when you're staring at Amy!" Knuckles said making fun of him. "HAHAHA YEAH He's probably thinking about her being his girlfriend." Tails said making fun of them too. I noticed Amy's and Sonic's cheeks getting red. "Why are your cheeks red?" I asked confused. "N-Nothing! Pfft me? Red cheeks? Never!" Sonic said nervously but Amy stayed silent. "They're blushing! That happens when you're embarrassed or inlove~." Knuckles said laughing again. "In this case, it's both!"

𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙗𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧 (Shadow x Reader)(Sonic boom)Where stories live. Discover now