Chapter 10: I want the truth.

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(Y/N): Your name
(A/N): Animal name
(F/C): Fur colour

((Y/N) POV)

I couldn't believe it. Professor Robotnik came all the way to earth to... wait- why was he here. "(Y/N) stand back." Shadow whispered. "Excuse me, this is my professor." I rudely whispered back. "Oh earth! Home sweet home." Robotnik said. He took a look at me and when I looked to my side I saw that Shadow has gone. "Who we're you talking to?" He asked. "That isn't important sir, why are you here?!" I said. "Well (Y/N), maybe because you've crashed into earth, didn't get my messages, didn't even bother to do the mission I gave you! Have you even tried calling me back?" He said. I nodded my head yes and he just shot me a glare. "I've been trying to contact you sir! But it seems my watch broke because of the crash. Tails tried to fix it but he can't, the connection between earth and-."

"Tails? Who is Tails?!" I got cut off by the professor asking me questions every second. "Tails is a two tailed fox, him and his friends have been helping me since the crash. Sonic, Amy, Knuckles and Sticks!" I respond. "Did they help you with you mission..?" He asked me with a 'Oh really?' face. "I~...... kind of forgot what my mission was since my hologram also broke inside of the ship.." I said. He looked very mad at me. "(Y/N)." "Yes, sir?" I said, standing up straight and my face facing his. "Why don't you introduce me to your friends" He said, changing his mad face to a happy one. "Yes sir!" I said and walked straight forward to Amy's house.

Since everyone was probably at Amy's house ruining her sofas and kitchen, I thought i'd be a perfect time to introduce my professor to them! I got excited for them to meet, i'm sure professor is going to like them. Right?

(Shadow POV)

Such an idiot. The (A/N) told professor Robotnik about her foolish friends. I hid behind a tree to watch their whole conversation. I can't let Robotnik see me again.

I followed the idiot and her professor to their destination. It was a silent ride but peaceful for me. They couldn't see me since I was far behind.

I don't know why I was so curious of the girl being with her professor. This idiot is going to get herself into trouble. Why would I even care?

Perhaps I could gain some information to tell Eggman. The man would finally get off my nerves. Fool. I do not understand why I keep working with this buffoon. I guess he is the only thing I remember from my past. After all, he is related to Maria..

They finally have arrived to the pink hedgehogs 'home'. Sonic and his so called friends we're playing volleyball. Last time they did with (Y/N) it didn't go so well.

(3rd person POV)

(Y/N) and Professor Robotnik have arrived to Amy's house. Sonic, Knuckles and Tails we're playing some volleyball while Amy and Sticks we're watching some Teen Romance in the living room. "Hey guys! Guess what!" (Y/N) yelled excitedly. "Oh hey (Y/N) did you get Amy's t-." Sonic said but quickly cut himself off when he turned around. "Eggman!" He yelled. "I'll go get Amy and Sticks while you 2 fight him and his robots off!" Tails yelled and ran off. "Wait! Don't attack him. He's good!" (Y/N) yelled. "Good?!!? He locked you up (Y/N)!" Knuckles yelled. "This isn't Eggman!" (Y/N) yelled back as everyone looked confused.

A while later Amy, Sticks and Tails came back. "Where is he?! Oh when I get my hands on him and Shadow i'll-." Amy got cut off. "This isn't Eggman, Amy." (Y/N) said. "Everyone, meet professor Gerald Robotnik!" They all look at (Y/N) with wide eyes. Sticks and Knuckles even whispered into each other's ears. "Professor, the pink one is Amy, she very kind and be loving once you get to know her! The blue hedgie is her lover Sonic. He's a fast animal just like me and very talented!" (Y/N) said while Sonic and Amy we're blushing. "The big red echidna is Knuckles. He's strong and good at gaming if you ask me! The girl next to him is Sticks, she is very funny and kind also." She continued. "And last but not least, the yellow two tailed fox is Tails. He is very smart just like you sir! He can build planes and machines. Talented for a young fella like him!" (Y/N) said proudly.

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