Chapter 11: 2 Robotniks in 1 lair.

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(Y/N): Your name
(A/N): Animal name
(F/C): Fur colour

((Y/N) POV)

"My apologies but that doesn't do it for me." Shadow said. I just look at him in annoyance while he's looking deep into the forest. My 'new' watch went off. It's the watch Tails made for me so he could call for emergency's. "Ah, I gotta go. Duty calls!" I said. Before I ran away Shadow held my wrist. "I'll tell you soon." He said and let go. After that he teleported away while I stood there with a confused face.
I shrugged it off and just sped to Amy's.

When I arrived I saw Sonic leaning agains the wall with a foot to the wall and a hand to his forehead. "Sonic!" I yelled and walked up to him. "What's up?" "Tails called." He just looks at me and I saw a little stress coming up. "Looks like your little professor friend escaped. That was probably why Eggman was here. To distract us." He said.

Wow. That hurt. So he wasn't here for me. He must've heard our conversations about Eggman from my old watch. "That just hit me." I said while laughing a little in pain. "Why? What's up?" He asked and stood up straight. "I thought he'd be here to...." I couldn't finish the sentence since I was scared Sonic would think I used him and his friends just for a place to stay. "To what? (Y/N)," He said in curiosity. "To save me." I said with a cold tone. He looked at me and said nothing. It was clear. He is mad and probably thinks I used him.

He kept staring and his face got madder and madder until we heard Amy call our names. "Hey Sonic, (Y/N)!" She ran up to us. "Already any info on Robotnik?" She asked to Sonic. "I don't know Amy, why don't you ask your little 'friend'" He responded. "Did something happen?" She asked. "Clearly! Little (Y/N) here has been using us for a place to stay. But now she knows Robotnik just left her hanging she's ALLLL upset!" He yelled. Amy looked at me and I just stood silent. "Is that true..?" She asked. "Listen please! I didn't 'use' you it's different t-." "I've heard enough." She cut me off and walked away with Sonic.

I was pretty upset that my friends who trusted me also left me hanging. I walked into Amy's house to pack my stuff. Robotnik would probably expect me at Eggman's lair back to space.

While I was packing i noticed the watch Tails gave to me. I put it into my bag just in case. I left the clothes Amy gave me in the guest room. I washed them for her for if she wants them back. I also left a note.

'Dear Amy, Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and Sticks.

I truly apologise for my actions. I did not mean to stay this long. I got on earth to finish a mission. Ever since I met you guys I felt free. To finally see more mobians. And Amy, I hope you don't feel too sad. I was just a waste of time. Earth has never been my thing until i met you. You changed everything. I wish I could stay and just be with all of you. But sadly, I was created to follow order.

Sincerely, (Y/N).'

That was my last note on earth. I closed my bag and walked out of the door. Walking towards the living room I see everyone there. They all stare at me and the silence was uncomfortable. "I guess this is it.. I just hope you see what I left in the room." I said. They all looked away and didn't say anything. "This will be my goodbye. Thank you for everything.." I said and walked to the door. I opened the door and got out.

I wanted to teleport to Eggman but since his lair is in the middle of nowhere i thought that teleporting would be a bad choice. I don't wanna end up in that water again. I ran over to the beach with my bag on my back. I got ready for a start to run over the water to Eggman's lair.




I said. And rushed on the water. All water splashing  behind me and landing on top of my head. 'I think it's this way..' I thought and just kept running. I had to keep running. I don't wanna swim my way there.

𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙗𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧 (Shadow x Reader)(Sonic boom)Where stories live. Discover now