Chapter 12: Real friends protect.

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(Y/N): Your name
(A/N): Animal name
(F/C): Fur colour

((Y/N) POV)

In the middle of the movie we heard Eggman yell for lunch. I ignored him and so did Shadow and we kept in watching the movie. It was about a girl who lost her friends and later in the movie the lost friend helped her from the bad men. "Shocked." Cubot said. Cubot and Orbot wanted to watch the movie with us so I agreed. Shadow in the other hand just didn't care like always.

"Lunch is ready yet over here!" Eggman yelled for the second time. "Maybe we should go.." Orbot said. "Nah he'll shut up soon." I replied. We continued to watch the movie again until the lights in the room went out. "Darn it." Shadow mumbled. Cubot and Orbot used their eyes as lights so we could see in the room. The TV was shut off also. "No movies until you 2 come here." Eggman yelled. Annoying much.

I was about to step outside until I felt a wind flash away. Shadow used his speed to get there faster. I just walked down with the 2 other robots. "What's so important you've gotta ruin our movie?" I asked while we arrived at Eggman and Professor.

"Well, I prepared a lunch AND we will attack team Sonic today so hurry up and eat." Eggman said. "With this new team Eggman my plans will for sure work since we have 2 super brains and 2 high trained mobians!" He said. "I don't need to eat. I am The Ultimate Lifeform!" Shadow yelled at Eggman. "That doesn't mean you can't eat edgy hedgy." He replied.

"(Y/N). I would like to have a talk with you. Private." Professor Robotnik said. I looked at him before the turned around and walked into a hallway. I followed him until he stopped. "We are going to have to stay here for a few months until the ship is fixed. And don't even think about helping your little so called friends. You will do as we say. Next time when we ask you for the lunch you come straight away!" He yelled. "Yes sir..." I sighed. "We will arrive at the village around 03:15 PM. I've updated Ivo's robots and programs of his beebots. And we've got and amazing destroying plan!" He said. "So are you in?" He asked me. "Yes sir..." I whispered in a cracky voice. "I'd like to hear it louder." "Yes sir." I said

We walked back to the main area and saw Eggman annoying Shadow again. "I-it's okay if you don't wanna sit down Shadow ahahah.. Maybe we should all stand if you want!" Eggman said. "Silence!" Shadow said. He started to get pissed off and just sat down. "So! We will first fly to Dave the intern since he serves bad food and doesn't care about this customers, ESPECIALLY IMPORTANT CUSTOMERS LIKE ME!" Eggman said. "Then! When Sonic shows up. I'll distract him with my robots while my father pulls the cat if you know what I mean!" He continued and winked at me and Shadow. "Why are you going to pull a cat?" I asked.

"Not an actual cat! I built an catapult of 49 feet! I also built a huge stone ball and we will throw it from here right to the place where Sonic is fighting. He will get crushed!" Professor explained to me. I could feel my fur go up while i listened to his plans. "I don't think it's the right time-." Orbot said but got cut off by Eggman. "About time, we should get going. You 2 will get there yourselves while me and my father fly there. See ya!" He said. Before we could say anything they already left.

I felt my anger raging as I grabbed a pillow and squished it. "Stupid Eggman and his plans. I don't wanna be his follower anymore!" I softly yelled. "Seems like a you-problem." Shadow said while taking my pillow away from me. "I used to look up at this man, my creator. But everything changed since he got the stupid emerald!" I yelled. I grabbed the pillow out of his hands and threw it with strong energy against a painting of Eggman. "UGH! I HATE THIS PLACE!" I yelled even louder. Shadow didn't respond but looked at me with a little shocked face. "WHAT NOW?" I yelled. "No need to be mad at me, lady." He said. "But what emerald are you talking about.?" He asked. "That isn't any of you business, Shadow."  I replied. "Technically, it is. He is also my creator remember." He said and his face turned back to normal.

𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙗𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧 (Shadow x Reader)(Sonic boom)Where stories live. Discover now