Chapter 13: Eye for an Eye

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(Y/N): Your name
(A/N): Animal name
(F/C): Fur colour

(3rd person POV)

"What..?" (Y/N) asked and looked him deep in the eyes. Shadow's eyes widen when he realised what he said and teleported away immediately. "(Y/N) I-...." Amy looked at (Y/N) almost crying. "Why did you help us?" She asked. "Because a wise woman once told me that friends always stand there for each other." (Y/N) remembered the catchphrase that Amy told her. "I don't know how to thank you (Y/N)!" She cried and ran up to (Y/N) to hug her. "(Y/N) you we're awesome! We're sorry we misjudged you like that, we're horrible friends." Tails said. "Don't worry! I accept you apology and you're not horrible, you guys are the bests of friends i've ever had!" (Y/N) replied. "Let's just get Sonic back and fix him up, Shadow did some real stuff on him." (Y/N) said and helped Amy pick Sonic up.

The group was walking to Amy's house since she was the only one with a 1st aid kit. "What did Shadow mean by 'interesting' and 'extraordinary'?" Amy asked. (Y/N) immediately blushed at her question. "I-i don't know..." She replied. "You're blushing. Why are you so nerv-." She stopped mid sentence and gasped. "OMG YOU LIKE SHADOW!" She yelled. "SHH! Would you keep it down! And I don't like him I-." "You feel butterfly's in you stomach? Blush at every comment from him? Is that why you we're hanging out at the roof? We're you 2 on A DATE??!" She cut me off with all of her questions. "Amy please. I don't like him at all! He is the complete opposite of me." (Y/N) said. "Sometimes being the opposite of each other is good." She said. "We're talking about Shadow here?! Shadow the Hedgehog! The one that almost killed Sonic!!" (Y/N) Whisper-yelled.

"It explains a lot okay! You can't be nervous about one question you obviously like him!" Amy also whisper-yelled. Trying not to wake up Sonic in their arms. "Fine. Maybe I do feel a tiny tiny tiny bit something BUT ITS NOTHING!" (Y/N) said. "I'll just ignore the weird feelings and stomp them away with my other weird feelings." (Y/N) said. "That's what they all say." Amy mumbled. "What was that?" (Y/N) asked. "Nothing." "I don't hear you talking about your little boyfriend Sonic. Maybe we should wake him up and tell him about YOUR feelings." (Y/N) smirked. Amy blushed and didn't respond. "Everybody knows you and Sonic like each other. You 2 are like Romeo and Juliet." (Y/N) said. "You know about Romeo and Juliet?" Amy asked. "I've read a few things. As I said, I learned a few things about earth before I got here." (Y/N) answered.

After a few talks they finally arrive at Amy's house. She opens her door and they lay Sonic down on the bed.  "You fix his scars while i'll get some pillows for him to rest his head on." Amy said and went to get some pillows. (Y/N) grabbed some bandages and wrapped them around his scars. Amy soon got back with some pillows and put his head on there. "He'll wake up soon right?" (Y/N) asked. "Probably, he's been through worse." Amy responded. "Could you get him some ibuprofen for his head if he wakes up?" Amy asked. "Of course Ames! I'm on it." (Y/N) responded and ran out the door.

She used the speed to get to the drugstore. On her way there she noticed someone. The black and red quilled hedgehog. He saw her and stood there staring at her.

(Shadow POV)

After that fight I got into an argument with Professor and Doctor Robotnik. I tried to find (Y/N) and explain that what I said wasn't meant to come out that way.

While I was walking to find her I saw her. She stopped running and looked at me. I stared at her till she came closer to me. "You really had to do that to him?" She whisper-yelled at me. "You should've sticked to the plan." I respond. "What is wrong with you? You could've killed him, Shadow!" "Yeah! I could've if you weren't in my way!" I yell. "Whatever, Shadow. I'm leaving." She said and walked away. I thought for a second while I watched her leave. "I can not believe i'm doing this." I groan and walk next to her.

This girl makes me feel weak and stronger at the same time. That smile reminds me of her. It makes me feel weird.. "Are you gonna follow me and annoy me?" She asked. "Why do you always doubt me? Im just here to....." Why am I here? "To help you." I said. She stopped at looked at me. "You? Help? Shadow the hedgehog wants to help me? Shadow the hedgehog wants to help Soni-." "Yeah yeah I get it now, (Y/N)." I said and we walked into the store.

"Why are you even helping us. Why don't you go back to those 2 monsters." She asked. "Listen, (Y/N) there is a reason I work with Eggman. I just can't be telling you." I said. "Why!" She whined. "Are you gonna keep asking me 'why' questions?" I asked. "Fine i'll stop but you'll have ti walk with me to Amy's house so I can brag about you helping Team Sonic!" She laughed.

The way she laughs is.. special. She's different from everyone. I can't believe I called her extraordinary in front of 30 people. "Fine." I said giving her the '-_-.'

03:45 PM

Later we arrived at Amy's house for Sonic and his ibuprofen. (Y/N) knocked on the door as I stood there waiting. "No attacking Shadow!" (Y/N) said at stared me deep in my eyes. "Only if you stop staring like that." I replied. Her face got a little red at she looked away. Was she.... blushing? Just the thought of that made me blush but I could hide it easily.

The door opened and Amy was there staring at the both of us. "Why did you bring him here!?" Amy yelled. "Nice meeting you again too Rose." I said. "Amy please. Just give him a chance. No fights till some other day or something. Please." (Y/N) said. Did she really think I was gonna be friends with these fools? I'm just doing this for (Y/N).

Wait what? (Y/N)? For her? What am I even doing here. I should've stayed with the Professor. "Fine but I'll keep my hammer in my hands!" Amy said and opened the door wider for us to get in. "Fine by me Rose." I said and walked in.

I scanned the house and noticed Sonic sleeping on the couch. "Hmph, weak." I mumbled. (Y/N) gave me an elbow bump meaning to tell me to quit talking. She must've of heard what I said. "Shadow please hand me over the ibuprofen I think he's waking up." (Y/N) said.

"Ugh... My head is spinning around like crazy.." Sonic said waking up. "(Y/N) is that Shadow or am I seeing things." Sonic mumbled loud enough for us all to hear.

To be continued...

Ty for reading again ❤️

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Ty for reading again ❤️

1232 words

Vixie out!

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