Chapter 14: I'm sorry Amy.

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Yeah yeah yeah another A/N in the begin. I would like to apologise for not posting any stories. To be honest after my trip to Morocco I was starting to get very lazy. But I am here now so you rats better enjoy the story. I would also like to apologise for a few spelling mistakes i've made or will make. I never check the story for spelling mistakes after i'm done writing. It's not that my English is bad I just suck at typing. Also I tried making this chapter long so you guys can enjoy it and I'll try my best to update it a lot.

(Y/N): Your name
(A/N): Animal name
(F/C): Fur colour

(3rd person POV)

"Ugh... My head is spinning around like crazy.." Sonic said waking up. "(Y/N) is that Shadow or am I seeing things." Sonic mumbled loud enough for us all to hear.

Shadow just walked into a random room since he didn't want to start some beef again. "Look who finally woke up." Amy said. (Y/N) said nothing. She just looked at Sonic. Seeing him in pain like this. Was it her fault?

Sonic was able to stand up. His vision started to get better. "What are you doing here.?" He said coldly to (Y/N). "Sonic, she saved you. Without her you probably wouldn't have made it." Amy said to him. "Whatever. Amy could you make me some chili dogs, you make them so good." Sonic said with a little smile on his face. "Sure Sonic, just lay down and get some rest. (Y/N) could you get him some pillows from my room?" She asked. "Sure." (Y/N) said as she walked to Amy's room.

((Y/N) POV)

I walked to Amy's room since she asked me to get some pillows for Sonic. That's when I saw him standing there and looking through the window. "You really went too far you know." I said. He didn't respond, like usual. "I think you guys really need to talk this rival thing." Still no response. "Not talking to me huh? Alright then. I'll leave you alone till you're able to talk to me." I said coldly with a mix of anger.

I grabbed some pillows and left. He didn't even stop me like he used to do. He was just staring out of the window into the sky.

I went to Sonic to give him the pillows he needed so he could rest. "Do you need anything else?" I asked him. "No just leave me alone." He responded. Clearly he is still mad at me. "Okay I guess.." I responded. I walked to Amy who was in the kitchen and I just stood siding the door. "Hey listen Amy, I am truly sorry, I-." "It's fine (Y/N), really!" She said smiling. "But I was horrible. I never meant to make it look like I only used you for a place to stay. It's just, I really love it on this earth and I don't wanna leave but I also do wanna leave because everyone I know are still in the arc.." I explained. "I think you are homesick." Amy told me. "What is that?" "It means you really miss your home even though you like it here." She explained. "I guess." "Could you help me make some chili dogs?" She asked. "Sure but uhh..." "You don't know how to cook do you?" She asked me with a 'seriously' face. "Well actually I do but i just don't know how to make chili dogs. I never made those in the arc." I said. "You still need to learn so much (Y/N).."

30 minutes later.

"Finally done!" Amy said with a smile on her face. "I liked doing this, we should do this more often!" I said. We walked to the living room where Sonic was on the couch sleeping. "Sonic? Sonic, Sonic??" Amy try's to wake him up. After a while she got tired of repeating. "SONIC!" She yelled. He woke up with a scared and shocked face. "What? Is Eggman here again? Robots? What's going on?" He said. "Your chili dogs are here." I responded. "Oh. Thanks I guess. And thank you Amy." He said smiling at her. "I'm just gonna leave you alone." I said. And walked back to Amy's room.

Just what I thought. He was gone. For some reason disappointment was rolling over my body. I guess he doesn't wanna talk.

I went back to Sonic and Amy to see what they we're doing. Looks like they're talking. I sit on the couch and look up to stare at the ceiling. Smiling. "What's up with you?" Sonic asked. I looked back down. "What?" "You're staring at the ceiling and smiling?" Amy said. "I'm sorry was that wrong?" I said. "No no it's just.. did you always do that when you had nothing to do in the arc?" She asked me. "Well, yeah. Or I played games with my human friends." I responded. "We really need to find you a hobby or a job." Amy said. Sonic for some reason was laughing. "What's so funny Sonic.?" Amy said annoyed. "(Y/N) FIND A JOB? PFFTT BAHAHA!" He said. "I don't need a job." I said. "Yeah yeah i get it." Amy said still annoyed. "Can I have some more chili dogs?" Sonic asked. "(Y/N) could you please go to meh burger and get some chili dogs. I'm too tired to make some more." Amy asked me. "Sure Amy" I said, smiling at her.

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