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I know that this is probably annoying after what I said about Violet being the only book, but I miss writing about them and I'm considering a sequel - seriously considering it.

If I were to do the sequel, it would be from the original ending where Violet is murdered but her body disappears. The sequel would likely be from Tinkerbell's POV and Peter's POV with occasional chapters in the viewpoints of others to give it some real perspective.

It would also be based off of the 2004 movie (I would make clear links to it as well and explain after every chapter if you guys would like it) and would feature Wendy Darling and her two brothers as characters.

Peter Pan would also be a young boy again - not the teenager he was in this book.

If I am going to do this though, I would like to know how many of you, yes you, would want a sequel. I'm not going to do it if not enough people are interested as I have so many other stories going on, I'm in the middle of exams and I'm pretty much always in hospital.

On a side note, for those of you wondering if Violet will be in the sequel: yes, she will. Although I'm not going to be giving you too many details because that would spoil it!

I'm gonna write something on the spot that probably won't even be included in the actual story if it happens, but I've gotten a tad excited sooooo.... I'm also dedicating the to loubeanie, because I was going over the story and remember just how simply brilliant and kind she was with her comments when I was just starting out here on wattpad, seriously you guys, if it wasn't for her support I may have just given up by chapter nine!

Anyway, here is an idea of what it might be like:

A Narr

Time is a funny thing, here in Neverland. Springtime can happen in the middle of winter and sometimes a day lasts for a year, so I can't tell you how long it's been since Violet 'disappeared'. I say disappeared, because I don't think she's dead: I saw her bloodied, lifeless body laying on the stained timber of The Jolly Roger, I felt it as Death grabbed her hand and the warmth from her body faded. We all watched her die - but no-one saw her disappear.

Peter is different though: he is certain that she is gone, adamant that she cannot be alive and we still argue over it. It's why I'm always around him now; he's alone, there is no love left in his heart for it to warm him. When he lost Violet, he changed: he slaughtered all of the Lost Boys, but one. He became a little boy again... He is lost. He has nothing, not even faith in Violet. So I stay, not just for him, but for the girl who died for him, for the boys he killed crying and for Neverland. I know that this is all pretty cryptic, I know, believe me, I know! But there is no way for me to explain it to you in a way that you can understand when I tell you this. I go on about it all the time to Peter and to Slightly and Tiger-Lily, but I swear that I can hear Violet singing at night - her voice, like liquid moonlight edged with cyanide, it could only be her. It has to be her!

But back to the point: it's been a long time since she's been gone, that's all I know. And with only a handful of people who even remember or know she existed, it makes her loss even harder (especially as almost all of them are pirates - blech). Captain Hook blames Peter for her death too... I don't know if Violet's father ever actually cared about her, but either way, it's Peter who's gotten the blame for her death and her betrayal - even though it was Hook's own blade that silenced her. Peter, in a state of incoherent grief and rage murdered the rest of the Lost Boys from back then, screaming and crying that they were too old and that they knew too much. It was a dark time, the stream near our home ran crimson with the spilt blood of his comrades. Blood that he'd spilt himself. My point here, is that mentioning Violet is a sort of trigger for him: his face goes all dark and his eyes go black, he even told me that he wouldn't be my friend anymore if I kept talking about her.

Peter Pan is not the same anymore. Mother Dove is silent as he flies by, the mermaids no longer sing for him and his shadow even tried to run away from him.

Ah, there it is again! Can you hear it? No, wait... it's stopped. Yeesh, I'm getting jumpy, I feel like there's something bad coming soon, I don't know, it's just a feeling, but it's been getting worse since the visits to that family's house in London... The little girl there; she tells stories to her brothers and to Peter (but she doesn't know he's there). He's become obsessed with her, I don't see why though: she's an incredibly annoying little girl with awful imagination.

But... I must say... She does look an awful lot like...well, like...


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