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Ok, I am actually writing this book and hoping to get it published one day, no-one has really edited it, so I am just posting the first few chapters on here and see how they go! If you like the story then I might post some more on... Please don't copy or do anything else to my work, I love the story of Peter Pan and this is my take on it so I hope that this is respected. Thank You! - Musicsoul26



It was a dark and dismal night, the wind screaming, the trees groaning, rain hammering on roofs all over the filthy streets of Victorian London; and unseen eyes tracking the slow process of those stupid enough to tread the shadows at this time. An old beggar was limping down the path in indistinguishable rags, cooing to a baby in his arms. Unlike the man, the baby was swathed in fine woollen blankets, and had the delicate features of an aristocrat. The beggar stopped in the middle of the street and peered around uneasily. And then he spotted what he had been looking for. He smirked, pleased with himself, gently placed the young'un on the cold, dank cobblestone path and began to stagger away. When he was out of sight, a finely dressed, middle-aged man stepped out of the shadows and began to stride with confident steps toward the sleeping babe. He crouched down, and began to reach out to it. Her eyes snapped open; and stared back at him with what you could only describe as accusation, daring him to lift her into his arms. He chuckled mirthlessly, "A feisty one aren't you?" the little girl just blinked her oddly coloured eyes and continued to stare. The man cocked his head to the side menacingly and whispered "interesting, very interesting." And with that, he lifted her into the crook of his left arm; and strode off into the night: the long, crimson feather on his hat swaying wildly from side to side in the wind and the large iron hook gleaming where his right hand should be.

Violet (The Never Series) *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now