Hook POV

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Last Chapter (In Hook's POV)

Staring out at the calm ocean before me, my thoughts were absorbed with thoughts of vengeance: absently strokeing the curve of my gleaming silver hook, it's presence a constant reminder of what I had lost and what I had promised long ago.

The waves crashed and writhed like an angered serpent; unpredictable and dangerous, oh so dangerous. Murky depths serve as an incomprehensible threat - a lonely, watery grave: a death that was befitting of all those who had angered me.

The glorious thing about the ocean, is that it is so vast, so deep and menacing: that whoever I deem worthy of death by my hand, will be forever lost to the waves. Their bodies never to be found and their loved ones never able to recieve that final consolation, of showing that final act of love - of decency. A burial. Peter Pan would also meet this fate and I would be the one to end him at last.

Violet Devereaux: my only child and my greatest weapon, I am disappointed with her current progress for once. Although a brilliant assassin and about as ruthless as they come, she was not heartless: this I am acutely aware of, so aware of this, so frustrated by this. I know that her heart will be the cause of her eventual downfall.

One day Violet will fail me.

I adjust my hat slightly, anxious about it being swept away in the blustering wind that had begun to pick up slightly, mussing up the unruly curls of my black hair that had previously been tied back tightly by a leather strap. The hat shadows my eyes, swirling with a perturbed and reluctant sadness that I will never admit to myself. Frowning and lifting up the corners of my mouth in a self-depreciating snarl, Violet is a tool and no  more, and she will bid my command.

"Smee!" I cried, dramatically whirling around on the balls of my feet, hand on sword at my side. Smee was by my side in an instant, beady eyes gleaming with avaricious malice.

"Yiss, Cap'n?" 

I sighed in mild disgust at the grease and crumbs lining the bristly hairs inhabiting his chin.

"Send for Taser, immediately." I ordered.

He was already gone before the final word had left my mouth. He may have been an old avaricious coward, but Smee was incredibly obedient. Before long, my second-best assassin: Taser, had appeared at my side; gruesome scar marring his otherwise angular features - eyes empty as a widow's heart and cold as one too. The orders that I gave him were simple and met with blank acceptance: Seek out Violet, and retrieve her intelligence by whatever means necessary and unnecessary.

 My eyes bore into his back as I watched him catapult himself off of the rim of my ship. The waves seemingly swallowing him whole.

Now, we wait.


I had thought that Taser had been lying when he reported back to me that Violet would not return and would not even offer the information that she had been dispatched to collect. 

But my doubts were splintered like rotting wood when I spied her bedraggled state, posed in a fighting stance on the main deck - covered in blood and eyes a burning crimson: the proof that she was in fact my own daughter, eyes red when struck with the desire to kill.

Her torn and filthy clothes clinging to her skin to the point of indecency I felt a flicker of pity for this child, before shame for my own offspring overtook me. I began to descend the steps onto the main deck, accompanied as ever by a heavily-wheezing Smee and a grim looking Taser: the silent sailors separating before me like the water for moses. 

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