Chapter Four

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Chapter Four


I was astounded at just how amazingly good the girl had been with a sword in hand. She had held it as though it were a part of her and she danced with it, she had danced an intricate dance that had almost been too hard for me to follow. For the first time in a long time, I had struggled…

Glancing towards the sky to get an idea of how late it was; I saw that it was almost dusk, the darkness of the night silencing the subtle pink hues of sunset. I increased my speed, tugging harder on the ropes of the girl who was evidently reluctant to follow: it wasn’t really that much of a surprise, I’d been gloating for the past hour or so, and annoyed would be an accurate description of her current mood.

“Would you mind slowing down?” I heard the girl ask in an irritated voice from behind me, “It’s a little bit difficult to keep up with you when I’m tangled in ropes.”

I looked over my shoulder at her and smirked, not even bothering to reply.

I turned around and began to walk even faster than before: this wasn’t just to antagonize the girl though; it was because if we weren’t back at Mole Hill Hollow soon then… well, it wouldn’t be pretty.

“Oh, don’t mind me.” Muttered the girl “Just keep dragging me along, but bear in mind if I fall, you’re dead.”

I choked on my unexpected laughter; turning around once more to look at her, an idea forming in my mind.

“You want me to stop dragging you along?” I inquired, not giving anything away.

She regarded me with wary violet eyes: her brows furrowed in confusion. “Yes.” She replied, drawing out the word: unsure about what my response would be.

“Well,” I began, trying to speak clearly through the evil grin spreading across my face, “that can easily be arranged.”

And with that I swung her slim frame into my arms in one movement and took to the skies, the wind running its fingers through her long dark hair and muting her shocked scream away into the echoes of the shadowed forest. I laughed freely: loving the liberating feeling that I gained from flying. There was truly nothing else like it…

I glanced down to the girl in my arms, her beautiful eyes shining with hatred. “Clever.” She growled snidely.

Instead of thinking up a response to her remark, I simply asked her a whispered question.

“What’s your name?”

She blinked: her face became blank and her stare stubborn.

“You don’t need to know.” Was her murmured reply.


At Mole Hill Hollow

I saw Locke, my second in command jogging towards us as soon as my feet touched the floor.

“Peter!” he called out, coming to a halt as soon as he saw the girl – whose name I still did not know -behind me.

“Who’s that?” He snarled, his famous mistrust for the unknown making an appearance. The fact that the girl was tied up in ropes made it worse because it showed that she was not to be trusted in any way. That she was dangerous…

And that was a severe understatement.

“Peter, who. Is. That?” He bit out.

I cut Locke a look that told him to shut up or else. He closed his open mouth that had been about to protest once more against the presence of the girl.

But I was surprised when the girl spoke to answer.

“I’m the deadliest bitch alive.” Was her monotonous reply, “And there’s nothing else that you need to know about me and who I am.” She gave nothing away: absolutely nothing at all. And for some reason, I felt like I should be scared.

I dragged my gaze away from her and turned once more to face Locke, who was staring at the girl with an evaluative glint in his eyes. The girl returned his evaluative stare with one of her own and refused to even blink.

“Locke,” I demanded his attention, and my second in command snapped his head in my direction. “has anything occurred in my absence?” I enquired calmly.

“Yes Peter, but I’m afraid that you’re not going to like it…” he trailed off.

“What is it?” I replied, my tone becoming a tad anxious as all the possibilities of what could have happened whilst I was out on patrol.

“Well, Tiger-Lily served dinner, and you weren’t there…” Locke’s eyes were filled with sympathetic mirth.

“Oh shit.” I whispered.

Now I was in trouble, no-one messed with Tiger-Lily and her food: you missed one meal and you would have been better off dead. No matter how good your excuse was, Tiger-Lily would still give you hell and make you live to regret ever missing just one of her meals.

“What’s so bad about missing a meal?” asked the girl; oh lord only if she knew…

Wait… Although formidable, Tiger-Lily was also very easily distracted. If she realised that there was someone new and they were a girl then she’d be off my back. Yes, it was cruel but honestly, I’d rather it be her than me.

“You’ll soon find out.” I muttered mainly to myself, and began tugging her ropes to get her to follow me: we were going to see Tiger-Lily and get this over with.

“Where are you taking me now?” growled the girl.

“You’re going to meet Tiger-Lily and prevent her from remembering that I missed mealtime,” I said “and hopefully you’ll make a friend: you look like you need one.”

“Well at least I don’t have slaves.” She snapped.

I halted in my tracks and turned around before I yanked her forwards by her ropes and she was clutching onto my shirt to prevent herself from falling face-first into the dirt.

“Let’s get something straight,” I hissed, leaning down and invading her personal space. “they are not my slaves. They are my best friends, my brothers and I would die for each and every one of them in an instant.”

I glared into her starlit gaze for a moment, and for a second I thought that I saw a brief flickering of remorse. But I guess that my anger was making me see things because this girl was deadly: and deadly things cannot feel because it eventually becomes too much for them.

“Come,” I said eventually after a long and awkward silence, “let’s go see Tiger-Lily. You must be getting cold outside here in the dark.”


Okay, sorry for the wait.

I hope that you like this chapter :)



Love you Awesome Pigeons xxx

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