Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen


A sudden scream sliced through the air, filled with blistering torment and hesitation, almost as though confused.

The Lost Boys and I jumped to our feet, hands instinctively reaching for our weapons.

"What the hell was that?!" I hissed, not really expecting an answer, although the dreadful suspicion in my gut gave me it anyway.

"Sounds more like a who." Tiger-Lily muttered softly, just loud enough for me and Blue-Jay to hear.

I twisted my head slowly to lock eyes with her. Her warm, earthy eyes studied mine for a few seconds before a small glimmer of realisation broke through.

I wasn't quite sure what Tiger-Lily saw in me then, but it must have been something pretty important.

"Go." She mouthed.


A/N I've skipped the "find violet" bit because I thought it would take too long, I may add it in later when I go back to edit the story, but eh..


I found Violet curled up into a vulnerable ball, the strength that normally exuded from her presence was dormant as she lay unconscious. I heaved a heavy sigh of relief: she was safe.

I crouched down beside her, and gently tucked a few stray wisps of hair behind her ear. I could see just how innocent she looked in sleep, her long lashes curling upwards at the tips, a very light dusting of freckles were spattered over her nose and cheeks and her pink lips on the verge of a smile.

She was truly beautiful.

I didn't want to move her, it was just the two of us out here, and it was... nice. She wasn't throwing deathly glares at me or pulling out her cutlass against me. She looked peaceful.

Despite this, I knew I had to take her back, but I also knew that Violet wouldn't want anybody to see her in such a vulnerable way, in a way where she could do nought to defend herself.

In the end, I decided to stay and watch over her; keeping her safe until she awoke.

I say cross-legged next to her, a watchful sentry guarding a priceless treasure.

My priceless treasure.

I shouldn't be thinking of this, she doesn't belong to me, I chastise myself.

But I want her: she was a breath of fresh air, I managed to forget all my other troubles when she was near, and I loved the challenge she presented.

"Why won't you let me try?" I whispered sadly.

So lost in my thoughts was I, that I almost missed the confused sigh that slipped from between Violet's parted lips,


Her violet eyes snapped open.


"For how long was I unconscious?" Violet asked, rubbing the remains of sleep from her eyes.

I shrugged nonchalantly, "I have no clue," I paused, unsure as to whether or not to tell her that I stayed to the care of her. "I found you a couple o' hours ago though..."

Violet appeared to be quite irritated by this, I could understand her, nobody likes to be so vulnerable; for any amount of time.

Violet least of all. It most likely went against everything inside of her to simply accept that she had been so open to attack by any volatile beasts roaming this side of the  island.

I shuddered to think of what might've happened to her has I not found her as quickly as I had.

"I kept you safe, Violet, I would never have let anything hurt you." I half-smiled.

She eyed me with equal parts suspicion and gratitude.

Then she shocked me once again.

She let me in.



Hey guys! I'm really sorry for another late update, but I've been doing GCSE's and GCSE revision for weeks.

I've had barely any time to write, so I apologise if this isn't very good: I seriously need to edit this... :)

And I want to say a HUGE, H.U.G.E thank you to every single one of you guys reading, 2,000 reads!!!!! I'm so grateful! :D I was ecstatic when I first saw that :):):):)

well, until next time (hopefully not too long - maybe next week :D).


Violet (The Never Series) *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now