Chapter Eight

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Dedicated to awksturtle22: for being an amazing fan and an encouraging reader. All of you guys reading, please, Please, PLEASE check out her stories, New girl (#badass) and the ex-huntress.

Thank you!! Xx


Chapter Eight


Bloody hell, the girl was strong. I gritted my teeth in determination as our blades met with a loud, metallic screech. She was pushing against me with all of her might and I could see her violet eyes glowing with stubbornness: she would not back down.

I suddenly jumped away, in the hopes that she would stumble due to the lack of pressure where I had once stood. It worked, but she righted herself quickly. Her head snapped up to face me. Her expression was calculating.

"What's wrong pretty girl?" I taunted, "Do you giv-" 

I was cut off by an unexpected searing pain across my left cheek.

I lifted a hand to press against the wound, hoping to assuage the pain slightly. I glared at the girl.

She stared back and said in a monotone, "I never give up."

She cocked her head to the right and kicked her leg out, sweeping me off my feet and causing me to land painfully on my backside. She then proceeded to kick me multiple times in the ribs.

However I gathered my wits, grabbed the foot that was about to kick me and yanked her down onto the floor beside me. Enjoying the way that her eyes widened in surprise as she realized what had happened. I didn't give her time to think about her next move as I straddled her hips. Ignoring the painful protests of my ribs as I did so.

"Still think that you can win, pretty girl?" I enquired, genuine curiosity obvious in my tone of voice.

"Yes." She growled. Her eyes flashing in incredulous rage.

Then, she spat in my face.

The ultimate sign of disrespect.

I never thought that I would have punched a girl, in fact before this one, I had never even fought a girl. 

But I did.

I punched her. Hard.

Her eyes fluttered closed, pain contorting her features. She went limp underneath me, and it seemed as though she was unconscious. 

I began to stand up, when I saw her kick up. 

Right in-between my legs.

I fell once more to the ground, my hands cupped over the area that hurt and watched her struggle to her feet. The girl was obviously a tiny bit dazed from the punch that she had received.

"Who's the pretty girl now?" She sneered.

Surprisingly, she didn't try to make the final move and win the duel. She stepped back and assumed a ready position. Her stance was challenging.

She was waiting for me to get back up. She wanted me to fight her more.

I acquiesced, gleefully violent thoughts running uninhibited through my mind.

Jumping to my feet, I began palming my daggers, passing them from hand to hand quickly. I watched her movements, every subtle twitch in order to try and guess her next move.  

This girl was undoubtedly deadly, lethal in fact. She was not to be overlooked or misconstrued as weak simply because she was a girl.

In fact, I had never fought someone so talented with a blade as I. The very sight of her charging towards me with her cutlass raised, a challenge glinting in her eyes-

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