Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen


I finally kissed her; but it seemed almost unreal now as I thought back on it. Violet was always so self-reliant and distant, never truly in the moment unless she had a blade in hand, and even then she seemed a little out of reach. She was a challenge from start to finish and endlessly intriguing.

Admittedly I hadn't actually thought about going in to kiss her, my body moved without my mind’s consent but I regretted not one second as I made my feelings known to her.

I recalled with an arrogant smirk the way Violet’s pupils had widened in shock as she realised what was happening and the unconscious smile that had spread across her lips as we kissed.

I really was falling in love with her...

My Violet...

I opened my eyes and welcomed the harsh morning sunlight that had broken through the trees above. My head was resting on one arm that was folded behind my head; the other was wrapped firmly around a sleeping Violet. Her hair fanning out behind her like a river of midnight and her hand splayed across my chest.

I was very happy with this position.

I began to run my fingers through her hair gently so as not to wake her, Violet stirred a little before returning to her oblivious slumber.

I was dispatched by my father...”

Who was her father?

I should really ask her when she wakes up, it was vital information.

Who on earth could he be? I’d know if she was an Indian’s daughter or even a Merman’s daughter (because then she’d be a Nymph or Mermaid – obviously). Meaning that the only remaining possible person for her father to be; was a Pirate.

I stiffened in horror.

What if Hook is her father?

I looked down at Violet’s sleeping form and gently stroked her cheek with my hand, studying her sleeping face; I refused to admit that she could have come from such a monster.

Feeling much more reassured, I closed my eyes and basked in the early morning sunlight, and decided that today Violet would meet Tinkerbell. Picturing Violet’s face when she met my fairy, with her eyes bright and face lit up with a surprised smile, I slipped once more into sleep.


It was almost dawn when Violet woke up in my arms. I had been carrying her up the mountain for hours, just so I could show her Neverland as the sun rose over the ocean. It was one of my favourite places to go when I needed to think. Also, Tink lived near here, so she and Violet could meet soon.

Violet blinked the sleep out of her eyes groggily and looked around in mild confusion before yawning comically wide. I chuckled softly at the blank expression on her face as she took in her surroundings.

"Where are we?" she murmured in awe.

"Fairy Hill." I paused, "Well- it's technically a mountain, but, yeah..." I trailed off slowly.

Violet smiled softly at my bumbling and closed her eyes.


I looked down at her, "Hmmm..?"

"Why are you walking instead of flying?" Violet asked, dragging out the words due to her drowsy state.

"Ummm...." I quickly tried to come up with an excuse. "Because I didn't want the wind to make you cold?" It came out sounding a bit more like a question than an answer - this girl made me feel all kinds of nervous, but the good kind.

The truth was, I had decided to walk because I'd wanted to be able to hold her for longer: if I had flown, the journey would have been over far too quickly. I wanted every excuse to be near her.


We stayed in companionable silence for the rest of the trip up Fairy Hill, I of course had no complaints, because Violet was snuggled into my neck and fast asleep -again.

When I had finally brought us to the right place, the sun was just beginning to rise, so I quickly - and as gently as possible - awoke Violet so she could see the dawn.

"Go away." she mumbled and swatted pathetically at my hands as I gently shook her into consciousness.

"Wake up Vi, you're going to want to see this." I tried to encourage her and I must have succeeded in piquing her curiosity, because she got to her feet with a disgruntled groan.

"Look!" I cried, whilst pointing emphatically towards the rising sun.

Her head whipped around and a breathtakingly delicate smile spread across her face just as the suns light spread across all of Neverland.

Feeling quite proud of myself that I had managed to help put that smile on her face, I whistled loudly and lowly for Tinkerbell.

A small tinkling sound could be heard in the far distance and I knew that she had heard my call.

Violet was staring at me in confusion - probably wondering why I whistled. I just smiled cockily at her, my grin widening when she rolled her eyes grumpily.

Although, I wasn't laughing for long when a loud ringing of bells sounded in my ears and I let out a girlish scream in my shock.

Two sets of laughter then followed and I opened my eyes to see Tinkerbell hovering in front of Violet's face.

"Who are you?" Violet's tone was filled with wonderment.

"The name's Tinkerbell," she stuck out her tiny glowing hand, "but you can call me Tink."



Hello fellow people! I am really sorry for not updating. I am trying to write more regularly, but some days I just don't get the time.

Love you Awesome Pigeons!!


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Until Next Time...

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