Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven



I was not surprised at all when an Indian emerged from the underbrush surrounding the clearing that I was in, however I could tell that he was.

"You're a girl?" He blurted out, his shadowed eyes widening.

"Yes." I responded calmly, my expression carefully blank as I continued. "Don't you recognise me?" I inquired, truly curious as to whether he knew me or not. I am not exactly unknown amongst the Indians, surely he must recognise me from the stories or by word of mouth by his people.

He came a little closer and studied my face a little more intently, a focused expression on his dark and boyish face. 

Suddenly, he gasped, jumping back. A look of awe and terror now on his face. 

"Y-y-you're her! I-it's, n-n- no!" He stuttered almost incoherently, "No! It's impossible!" He screamed before scampering off into the welcoming darkness of the night.

I sighed softly and bumped my head back against the wide wood of the pole that I was currently tied to. Well, that was the Indians taken care of, now I just had to release myself from this wretched pole.

Easy. But only if you have small hands and wrists.

I began to make infinitesimal circular movements with my wrists, which loosened the ropes slightly. Slightly was enough for me and within seconds I was free.

I grimaced softly to myself, I was betting that Taser would have been on his way to release me himself. Seeing as that was our normal routine whenever either one of us was sent on a mission, because no-one would ever mistake us as friendly.

We were usually held captive within the first 24 hours.

Thus, we came to check the hostage points for each and every corner of Neverland, depending on who we were sent after. I estimated that if I'd had the patience to have waited another 15 minutes, Taser would have been here.

But, there's also the fact that Peter Pan has a very clever strategy to deem his hostage's worth:

First: the Indians are sent to curse and lash you, until one drop of your blood lands on the Indian's skin. And they will only stop after your blood has touched their skin. 

Then, if you have managed to survive the Indians, thirteen wild dogs that have a den close by the hostage point, will have smelt your blood and will already be on their way to investigate and scavenge your remains.

And finally, if you're still alive when the sun comes up, Peter Pan will challenge you to a duel. Not to the death, but until one of you submits to the other. Bearing in mind that you will already be extremely battered due to the harsh albeit intelligent treatment the night before, you wouldn't really have a chance.

To this day, Pan has been the only one to have a dagger pointed against the chests of his very few surviving hostages. Never the other way around.

But no blood has yet been spilt, so I'm safe from the wild dogs.

Now, all I have to do is claim my duel from Pan. And this time I would have some fun whilst doing it.



Fear not the sword, but fear the person who wields it. That was what my father had taught me and is the mantra that I repeat in every deadly situation that I face.

Violet (The Never Series) *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now