Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve


She kissed me? I was so confused; the girl just didn't make sense! She went from singing to the moon to deadly mode in the space of a few seconds. I just couldn't understand her.

When she began to sing, it was near impossible for me to think coherently. Her voice, it had been surprisingly sweet and enchanting, all I could focus on was her and the obvious sadness behind the nonsensical sounds.

Her raven hair had flowed down her spine like ink: liquid and dark.


Violet eyes.


I shook my head softly, attempting to dislodge my troublesome and downright idiotic thoughts.

Her lips had been so soft...

“ARRGH!" I screamed in frustration.

Why couldn't I get her out of my head?

I ran my fingers through my already messy hair; yanking it in potent aggravation, welcoming the pain in hopes that it would awaken me from whatever spell that wicked wench had me under.

My eyes began to focus and I cast my gaze up, towards the darkened sky.

Wait, dark?

Surely I could not have been lost in my thoughts for so long that night had already fallen?

Thoughts of Violet...

“Damn it!" I cursed out loud, drawing attention from a passing Tiger-Lily.

"Oh, Peter!" She cried out in shock, hand above her heart. "What-"

"Don't you even dare ask." I growled brusquely, pushing past her.

"Child..." I heard her mutter as I strode away.

"Heard that." I call back to her, annoyed.

"You were meant to, boy!" She chuckled to herself, looking like she was insane as she wobbled off, her laughter doubling for no apparent reason.

I paused to watch her go on her merry way - still laughing at my expense - one eyebrow raised. And out of the corner of my eye, I spied Elph staring after her longingly.

I smirked, it was obvious that he'd need a little bit of help there.

Life on Neverland was truly like being in an army of minutes, you could never truly tell one from the other but at the same time they were all different. The only difference, was that here you do not age.

Unless you wish it.

I began walking again, slowly building up the pace until I was at a sprint. I loved the feeling of my muscles stretching as my legs extended when I ran.

Then, I took a massive leap into the air, a laugh burst out of me. The wind running its fingers through my hair, my arms out as far as they could go and a wide, toothy grin on my face. It was exhilarating, it was liberating, it was home.

It was something I wanted to share with Violet.

The girl who in the space of a few days has caused nothing but confusion and has been an almost unmanageable challenge.

And I oh so loved a challenge.



I had seen neither hide nor hair of Violet since she had kissed me. I haven't been able to stop thinking of her either...

Despite the Lost Boys' concerns that she had done a runner, I did not send anyone to search for her. I just knew she was here, somewhere, so that she was still technically keeping her word. Locke thought that I was insane, he hasn't stopped lashing out at me, shouting at any shadow that moved, hoping that it was Violet's.

I hoped for that too, but for a different reason. One that I haven't quite figured out for myself yet... I felt different when she was around, more alive. I wanted to give her a reason not to kill me as she had said that she would.

I wanted Violet to come home.



Once again, I'm sorry for the long wait and for this being such a short update :( I've been doing all my art gcse stuff and had a Science GCSE CAU this week.

I'm so tired.

I hope that you like the chapter! I've tried really hard to make Peter's emotions a bit clearer... Because things are going to start changing ;)

Love you Awesome Pigeons xxx

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