Chapter One *EDITED*

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*Picture of Olivia Wilde (who I think is pretty similar to my own idea of Violet) to the side. Tell me who you think should play Violet!*

Chapter One


I was winning. My opponent's brow was perspiring so much it practically showed my reflection. Ugh this is just too unfair on him. His sword flew across the ship's ancient Timber decking and landed with a heavy metallic thud, the silver capturing the sun's rays on its sharp surface, my sword tip now rested just below his bobbing Adam's apple. The boy’s fear so potent that you could taste it: a thick, cloying, cold and insipid terror. "Well done Violet." Crooned a low voice resonating with cool authority; from across the deck. The voice of my sire and master: Captain James Hook. My father stood regal and proud, a dark presence in my life and upon this ship: the wraith of the seas. He wore crimson garbs adorned with gleaming brass buttons that contrasted against the black of his coat, barely concealing a metallic silver pistol and slender cutlass. "Anuver astowndin' pahfwamance if ah do say so meself Cap'n." the rather fat, stout, bearded man with small, beady eyes next to him eagerly agreed: Smee. A diminutive figure in size and mental capacity, Smee was better than any parrot: constantly agreeing with everything his Captain says and does, the man grated on me constantly. I transferred my attention back to the trapped boy before me, his brown eyes shimmering with unshed tears and paralysing fear.

"What should I do with him now, Captain?" I inquired in a cool tone, returning my gaze to the shadowed figure, my raven-black hair flying wildly upon the sea breeze, making it difficult to see him clearly. I ignored it. He waved a single elegant hand in the air dismissively "Finish him." Hook was ruthless, and uncaring: he ordered this boy's death as someone would ask you to pass you the salt. I despise this man above all others, but I must obey.

The words escape my mouth with no trace of the bitterness I felt. “As you wish; Captain.”

Shoving my remorse and sorrow to the back of my mind where they belonged, I schooled my expression to that of the indifferent, emotionless vessel that I was. My face a carefully blank mask, I looked the doomed boy in the eyes one last time, so as to make it abundantly clear to my shipmates that I was not weak. Slowly dragging my heavy silver cutlass from his throat to where his heart beat rapidly beneath the fleshy armour of his ribs, ignoring the boy’s pleas for mercy, I waited for my final order. There was an extended pause, filled only with the sounds of heavy, panicked breathing and sobs of the boy. “Now.” Hook's declaration was met with the smothered chuckles of the surrounding ship-mates. My response was immediate, as I thrust forward: plunging the cutlass in quickly, the blade slicing through him in one clean movement, piercing his heart and ensuring a swift death.

I withdrew my cutlass from the boy's now silent chest, giving it one quick slash through the air to dispel most of the blood. Disgusted with myself, I could do nothing but stare numbly at the pool of blood that was forming at my feet. A whole life had just been puffed out like a candle flame: a life that was precious, filled with memories, dreams and hopes. Gone, just like that. Well, maybe not the hopes what with being a pirate and serving under Hook of all people. But it had still been a life, and like with every other person I had put an end to, I wondered about how I could live with myself. However, as I have done so many times before, I simply do my best to forget, to turn off my emotions: there’s no room for them when the sole reason for your existence is to kill and destroy.

"Wood anyone elwse abored dis ship cayah tah chahllinge hour deah Cap'n? If yah do, den yah fiyt ole Viyolit ovah theyah." Declared Smee, whilst simultaneously, mispronouncing almost every single word in that one sentence: as well as my name. Such a clever Pirate, I hope that if he ever has children, he won't be teaching them how to speak. Not that I think he’ll even be having children. When no-one stepped forward to challenge Hook, he let out an approving purr. "Good."  I bit back a sigh of relief; the Fates had cut enough strings today. I turned to face my father, who was currently smiling from one side of his face, in which he obviously thought was in a smug manner, but was actually really unnerving and arrogant. He twisted his head to look at the parrot upon his shoulder: with feathers of green and yellow, the bird was the colour of the poisonous toadstools that grew on the shored of Neverland. The Parrot's half-dead state and wide, black, unseeing eyes sent shivers down my spine and made goosebumps rise on my arms: there has always been something that seemed dreadfully wrong with my father’s bird. It gave a low caw and Hook turned to stare at me, arching one dark brow above his forget-me-not blue eyes. "Now that the pest has been dealt with, I have some business to attend to in my cabin." With that, he sauntered off down the deck with predatory grace. Smee following behind like an idiotic dog. I sighed. Hook had given me the look, he wanted me to follow, and as always, I would obey. But first, I must dispose of the deceased boy. 

Violet (The Never Series) *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now