Chapter Fifteen

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“I’m very grateful that you stayed to watch over me Peter, I truly am. And...” I hesitated for a moment, pondering as to whether or not to finish my train of thought; a small tendril of panic slithered its way through my belly and paralysing my vocal chords. I was sure that I must have looked like a fish out of water:  my mouth opening and closing whilst I battled my body in an attempt to regain control.

Peter furrowed his brows in puzzlement, “And?” he drawled, his eyes hidden by thick lashes as they were cast to the ground and voice raised slightly in the hopes that I would be able to continue my sentence. He raised his hand to run it through his messy mop of hair; I of course became distracted and stared in open wonderment at the way the moonlight bounced off the dark blond waves.

Since when did I notice things like this?

Peter Pan was beautiful.

Pan’s eyes flew upwards and locked with mine, almost as though he had heard my whispered thought. The blue of his eyes matching the dark of the midnight sky above us, I could not read a single thought through his usually expressive eyes.

“Please,” he begged “please finish what you were about to tell me, I can’t bear not knowing.”

A rush of air escaped me in an audible whoosh. It was cruel to leave my words unfinished.

 “I was going to... t-to apologise.”  I barely managed to stutter the words that were reluctant to leave me.

I refused to admit why, even to myself. And my cowardice shall forever be my greatest shame.

Peter’s eyes scrunched up in confusion and he opened his mouth to interrupt, but I held up a hand and pleaded him with my eyes to stay silent. For if he did not - I would never be able to purge myself, of the dreadful truths that I had been hiding. He at least deserved to know the real  reasons as to why I had been sent here.

So I took a deep breath and began.


“You wanted to know why I had come here, did you not?” I asked Peter quietly, not really expecting an answer as it had been more a statement of fact than a question.

Pan nodded sharply.

I bit my lip but pressed on.

“As I have told you before, I was sent to destroy you.” I daren’t look up for fear of what I might see in his face. Heaven forbid if it was disappointment.

“I had no choice. I was dispatched by my father, for it is he who wants you dead and what my father wants he gets.” I picked at my nails in unfamiliar anxiety. “I have been trained all my life to be a killer, and I’m very good at what I do: I’ve never failed a mission and no-one’s ever caught me.”

I looked up.

“That is, until you.”

Peter’s body stiffened and his head snapped up so suddenly that I was surprised he didn’t injure himself.

“Quite honestly, I don’t want to destroy you. And I’m going to strive my very hardest not to. But I can give no guarantees.”

I did not remove my gaze from peter Pan’s.

“I seem to destroy everything without even meaning to. In the end I will most likely destroy myself.”

There was a long and heavy pause and it weighed heavily upon my mid like a fog would a corpse. My anticipation for Peter’s response was increasing by each slow second and just as I was about to beg him to speak – which was very out of character for me – he pulled me to him and pressed his lips against mine in a tender kiss.

“I won’t let you destroy yourself, Violet.” He whispers against my lips, “I won’t let anyone destroy you, you know why?”

I pulled back and waited for him to continue.

Because you’re the only person who matches me in skill.”

A kiss to my forehead.

“Because you’re the only one who dares talk back to me.”

A kiss to my cheek.

“Because you intrigue me.”

A kiss to my other cheek.

"Because you're a mystery."

A kiss to my nose.

“And because,” he paused, brushing away a wisp of my dark hair and tucking it behind my ear.

“I’m falling in love with you.”

This time, I kissed him. A deep and heartfelt kiss that hopefully told him how much I care about him too.

My feelings had grown rapidly, and unlike Peter, I didn’t feel quite as ready to say them out loud. So I let the kiss to the talking for me.

Knotting my hands in his hair, I smiled against his mouth.

Nobody had ever loved me before.



Hello my awesome Pigeons!!

It’s been a while hasn’t it? Whoops...

Well, I’ve written this chapter in about half an hour and although it’s short I do hope that it’s good enough for you. If you feel I could improve this  (I know I can but I’m sleep deprived and cannot think properly at the moment so I’m sorry if this chapter appears a little rushed), please let me know in the comments box or PM me.

It feels amazing to write on a proper keyboard again! My cousin got a new laptop for his birthday and has let me borrow his old one until my computer gets repaired or fixed.

It’s so cute though! It’s a mini red laptop which I’m finding is really good for writing on: Everything is so close together and- ugh I just really like it.

I hope that everybody enjoyed their Christmas Holidays!!!

Love you guys so much xxx

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