Chapter Eighteen

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It was almost noon when I left the hideout, I didn't tell anyone that I was leaving, I just waited until all of their backs were turned and ran - just like a guilty thought. My original plan, was to wait until nightfall to go and meet Taser, but Locke had been keeping watch on me near every night since my arrival.

He was right not to trust me.

However, this would be my last dealing with Hook, never again would I be a marrionette pulled my his strings.

Peter trusted me - sweet, foolhardy love: I trusted him too. Something this... joyous, had been given to me. Why? I don't know, I never did anything to deserve something this good. But I'm not going to refuse happiness, I'm not that stupid, I know that I have to escape Hook's grasping claws whilse I still can and protect Peter Pan.

I halt my steps as a soft crunching of leaves sounds ahead of me.


The shadowed branches from above cast sillhouetted scars against his face and clothes, the trapped rays of sunlight glinting off of his sharpened nails.

I say nothing as he approaches. His fiery gaze hidden beneath his furrowed brow, I cannot begin to fathom his thoughts.

"Violet." It was a demand, my name a demand for an answer.

"I refuse, Taser." My voice was firm, resolute in my decision to be loyal to Peter.

His eyes snapped to mine, his azure eyes burning with concern and angered confusion.

"Why? What does Peter Pan have that's worth more than your life?"

I smiled bitterly, "My life was never worth a pittance, but Peter," I felt my smile become lighter, genuine, "Peter gives me life."

He made a disgusted sound at the back of his throat, "How romantic."

There was a long pause, although I had made it sound like it, I wasn't dependent on Peter Pan, but he honestly had given me life. He had given me friendship, bravery and had somehow taught me how to trust. All of those things touched my heart and made it glow with happiness.

Wasn't that what living was supposed to be? Happy?

I no longer cared if Hook hunted me down and slaughtered me for my betrayal, I had finally lived and it was Peter who had made it all worthwhile, how could I kill my joy?

Taser suddenly seemed to explode and grabbed me by the shoulders and slammed my body against a nearby tree. I didn't flinch.

"Don't you understand, Violet? You. Will. Die!"

I just stared.

"Where is Peter Pan's hideout?"

My lips stayed closed.

"How many Lost Boys?"

I smirked mirthlessly.

"Remeber Violet Deveroux, that no matter how far you run, what you or where you hide, you will always be a killer, you will always belong to The Jolly Roger, you can't escape that fact, it is who you are and you will give us the information that we want now or they will kill you!" Taser choked out, emotion clawing at his throat.

A shocked gurgling sound caught my attention, and a crackling of leaves that I had failed to notice drew my eyes to my left.

"You bitch."



Violet (The Never Series) *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now