Chapter Five

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Dedicated to Destinisue for being so encouraging and enthusiastic about my story :) Love You!! XD


Chapter Five


I studied the short, petite girl sitting in front of me; Tiger-Lily. She had her waist-length, glossy black hair tied back loosely with a single crimson feather threaded through, flawless caramel skin and warm, earthy eyes regarded me with blatant suspicion.

"Have you finished assessing me yet?" I inquired in a disinterested tone; cocking my head to the side slightly to adopt a look of innocence whilst I waited for her reply.

"Nope." she said, popping the P and raising her hand to rest her chin upon it. "So..." she began, tapping her finger thoughtfully against her jaw and beginning to pace slowly around me. "You're the reason why Peter was late for his meal, hmm?" her voice was tight with restrained anger, "You're the reason why perfectly good food has gone to waste?!"

I gave her a bland look, "Do you have an obsession with food?" I asked politely with true curiosity. I didn't expect her face to turn puce.

"WHAT. DID. YOU. JUST. SAY?" She growled out in a manner that was befitting of her name. I frowned, not bothering to hide my confusion: surely she must have heard me, I spoke clearly enough.

"I said-"

"I KNOW WHAT YOU SAID!" Tiger-Lily screeched, cutting me off. Her earthy eyes were glaring at me accusatorily. 

I had no idea why she was getting angry, I had only asked her a simple question, "Are you trying to mock me?" She snarled dangerously. My own anger fought its way to the surface at her accusation. I stood up, knocking my stool onto the floor with my sharp movement.

"No." I said "I asked you a genuine question, but instead of answering it you begin shouting accusations at me!" I finished indignantly.

For a moment, we just stared at each other, neither quite sure of what to say. When finally Tiger-Lily broke the silence.

"My apologies, I did not intend to offend you." She whispered, regret showing in her eyes. I envied that: I would never be allowed to show any weakness, regret being one of them. 

I nodded in acknowledgement of her apology.

"May I ask you a question?" Piped Tiger-Lily with restrained curiosity. I debated it free a moment before finally agreeing, after all, anything too personal and I could just refuse to answer.

"You may." I murmured in reply.

"How exactly did you make the infamous Peter Pan late?" She asked in a tone that suggested she was being herself for my answer - whatever it may be.

I smirked, unrepentant "I attacked him."

Tiger-Lily's face went temporarily blank, "you... attacked him..." she muttered to herself; she looked up 

"Thank God someone finally did it!"

And then, we burst into unified laughter.

I think that I had finally found a friend in Tiger-Lily.


Tiger-Lily and I talked for what seemed like hours, for the first time in my life I allowed myself to laugh. It was a beautiful feeling: I'd never had cause to laugh before (apart from the occasional times Smee got whacked around the head for failing to fulfil an order to Hook's satisfaction)...

Violet (The Never Series) *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now