Chapter Seventeen

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The fairy's hand was so small and minute, that I could only extend my littlest finger to shake her hand.

"How do you do?" She chuckled at me before curtsying in a teasing manner and grasping my finger tightly with one tiny, delicate hand.

I couldn't control my childish grin of delight; I'd never met a fairy, and I didn't quite know what to do with myself.

Which was a first...

"I fare well enough, dear Tinkerbell" I paused as she came to perch on my shoulder, allowing her tired wings some respite.

A soft thwack sounded next to my ear, Tinkerbell had smacked me. "I told ye to call me Tink!" She shouted, yanking on the lobe of my ear gently. "Speaking of which, you must be Violet. My Peter won't never shut up, he's constantly speakin' 'bout you - gives me a bleedin' headache." There was a pause.

"No offense."

Dumbstruck, I had no coherent response. How could someone so little be so loud all the time?

She kicked off of my shoulder and flew over to Peter's side, hovering just beside his face.

"Peter, I think this one's a bit slow, but I like 'er."

"Can I keep her then?" Peter whispered in what I think was a conspiratorial voice to Tink.

What was going on now? I can't keep up with her...

My eyes widened, "Hang on, what did you sa-"

A soft tinkling sound could be heard: Tinkerbell had nodded.

"Yeah, she's got secrets but she's a keeper."

How rude, I was right here! And it's not exactly like Peter has to ask Tinkerbell's permission is it?

"Pardon me, bu-"

Once again, I was cut off

"I was going to keep her anyway. Violet is mine." Peter finished with a smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth, eyes glittering with mirth and happiness as he turned to gaze at me.

I am utterly lost to this boy. And I know that sometime soon, before I can even begin to relish this feeling, Hook will come to take my joy from me again.

I don't want to be a puppet anymore...



Why does she look so sad?

Surely, she isn't really -



It had been two days since Peter had introduced me to Tinkerbell. And I had done nothing but brood and snicker at Elph and Tigerlily's bashful antics.

In these two days, Taser had been to deliver a message and today I was going to meet up with him again.

I was dancing on a minefield.

Stuck between my freedom and my life sentence, I was trying to slip away unnoticed, but Hook was catching up to me - he was no amateur afterall...

That's why Taser was meeting up with me again today - to try and convince me to surrender Peter's confidential information as a bargaining chip for my life.

Despite all his faults Taser was family and didn't want me to die.

I didn't think to check who followed me.

     And I will forever regret what follows....

Violet (The Never Series) *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now