Chapter Six

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Chapter Six


Pacing hurriedly across the clearing's earthy floor; I was enraged beyond belief. First the girl had almost beheaded one of my best friends and lost boys head, then she had refused to explain why she had attacked Elph and had outright refused to tell me her name!

I halted myself. Why? Why won't she tell me her name?

"Oi! Peter!"

I heard someone trying my name and whipped my head around, it was Ashe: Locke's twin brother. The only way that you could tell the difference between them was their eyes.

Where Locke had vivid green ones, Ashe had eyes grey as smoke that gave barely anything away.

"Hey Ashe," I called back in greeting, "what's wrong?"

Ashe's brow was furrowed slightly, and he looked troubled by something.

"Umm..." He said, scratching his head as though trying to think of a way to put across what he was trying to say without causing a ruckus.

Throwing an irritated glance his way, I responded snappily.

"If you've got something to say Ashe, then spit it out already."

I studied his hesitant and nervous expression; narrowing my eyes dangerously, "Ashe..." I trailed off, the promise of horrible things in his future unless he got on with it.

"It's the girl!" He blurted out, "She's demanding to speak to you and threatening to end us all if you don't..."

"WHAT?" I hissed, stunned by the sheer audacity that this unknown girl had.


I approached the girl; my choleric gaze and predatory gait should have made her shrink back into the thick, sturdy wooden pole that she had been tied to.

But it didn't.

"Peter Pan," she greeted blandly, "a pleasure to be graced with your bright countenance again."

"Why do you want to talk?" I inquired rudely, getting straight to the point. "Finally ready to tell me your name?"

"No." She looked me dead in the eyes before continuing in an intentionally ominous tone, " I ordered you here: in order to tell you that no matter what you and your special boys throw at me," She leaned forward as far as the ropes would let her, "I will kill them all and be gone by morning."

Pulling back, she kept her violet eyes glued to the patchy earth beneath her: a wicked smile upon her delicate features. And for some reason, that had me feeling terrified: not because she had just promised death to all of my lost boys, not because she had sworn to be free by morning, but because before she had looked down, her eyes had flickered with suppressed emotion. Guilt.

And the worst killers, are the ones who feel emotion.

Because they care.

Shaking my head softly, I began to walk away. Refusing to look back at the stunningly beautiful, deadly and nameless girl once more. Instead I went to meet Locke and Ashe by the Burrow.

"Alert the Indians of the girl," I muttered softly, yet allowing some authority to leak into my voice "tell them that they are free to torment her to their heart's delight."

"Yes, Peter." The twins responded in unison, running off with Locke cackling evilly. Probably at the thought of hurting the girl: those two really didn't get along.... but who am I to talk?

Blocking more thoughts of the girl, I flew up to my hammock at the highest point of Storybook tree. Settling into an uneasy slumber.



I was reluctant to wake up, my hammock was swinging gently in the morning breeze and formed comfortably to fit my body. I groaned in complaint as the sound of incessant fluttering of wings reached my ears. I swatted at the multiple fairies that surrounded my head. This was their daily routine now: they had been doing this to me ever since Hook killed Tinks' sister... I guess that I was one of their closest links to their fallen friend seeing as I had witnessed her death.

"Noooo!" I groaned, trying to roll over to avoid their irritatingly high pitched chatter.

But I had forgotten that I was over 90ft above ground. So I just rolled onto thin air - and began to plummet toward the ground that was rapidly getting closer and closer. When, at the last second, I gathered my wits and started to soar up, up and up towards the soft lavender colours of the sky.

A childlike giggle escaped me as I swooped and dived above the unending youthful landscape of Neverland, smiling down sadly at the trees that would never touch the sky no matter how far they stretched their wooden arms. That luxury was available only to me.

I was the only one awake at this accursed hour - bloody fairies - so everything was still and quiet. 

Too still and too quiet. 

For some reason I thought that it should be a little more... alive...

The birds should be singing, Mother Dove should be cooing, the Indians should be hunting and the animals should be running... Not even the Pirates' usual raucous shouting and fighting could be heard.

There was nothing but silence.

"THE GIRL!" I cried, unable to believe how long it has taken me to reach a conclusion. I flew at immeasurable speeds to where she had been tied up the previous night.

Seeing the clearing where I had ordered the lost boys to send her, I dropped to the floor and abandoning the familiar comfort of being in the air.

My heart began to stutter nervously: there was nobody tied against the pole, just a pile of loose rope surrounding it.

"Oh Shit." I muttered, murderous rage taking control of me as I finally realised that she had kept her promise, even after telling me what she was going to do, I had dismissed her.

And now she was on the loose, again.


A/N: Okay guys, sorry I took so long updating. I know that those probably isn't as long as it should be, when I edit this story I will add more to it as I go along.

I hope that the next chapter will be interesting and should give a little bit more of an insight into Violet and the other characters.


Please, please, Please:



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