Chapter Eleven

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Right, I can't exactly dedicate this to ONE person, because I'm dedicating this chapter to everyone who is currently reading. You people are amazing: you do not know how happy I was when Violet finally reached 1,000 reads! Thank You So SO much!!


Chapter Eleven


No-one could call me a liar. A murderer however, there I could not fault you. Because I am and most likely always will be, a murderer.

So when Pan and me why I had attached his shitty second-in-command, I simply told him the truth.

It was time for all of my intentions to be revealed. I was relying on his arrogance for this, with luck, he would slide softly into my real without even registering the landing.

"Why did you come here?" Peter demands in his smooth and dominant voice.

I smiled wickedly.


"Violet, I - We," he quickly corrected himself, “need to know."

I arched one condescending brow at his apparent possessiveness over me, it was strange and distracting.
Not because I'm not used to possessiveness, quite the contrary, my father had always been overly possessive of me. But not in the human way where a father would live and protect his daughter unconditionally, no, my father would never allow me to have a personality or mind of my own, any successful missions: all the credit went to him because I was HIS assassin,..HIS daughter and that was that.

Peter Pan would know.


He couldn't know yet, I had to wait a bit longer before I could tell him.

So, to pass the time, I decided to do something that I rarely ever did. I tilted my head back to gaze upon the stars and began to sing, softly, a melancholic nonsensical tune.

I sang quietly, so as not to attract to much attention, I didn't know if anyone other than Peter was listening though, because I was still staring up at the bejeweled sky above.

I took a small skip and began to dance, putting all of my distracting emotions, everything I had into my voice. I twirled around slowly, spreading my arms out to my sides before clapping them against my thighs as my twirl came full circle.

I thought of how much I loathed myself, how aggravating it was that everything had escalated so quickly and my reluctance to admit to myself my own weaknesses.

I was not supposed to care. I shouldn't care.

"What are you doing?"

I could have sworn that I had heard Pan's voice somewhere in the distance, but I paid it no mind, instead, focusing completely on my spiralling thoughts.

How to kill Peter Pan? Or more specifically: destroy.
I had to survive this, so I cannot just plunge a sabre through his heart, I would not be able to survive the wrath of the Lost Boys.

I had to be subtle.


'His heart'
You are dead when your heart ceases to beat or when the heart no longer has a reason to beat.


Taser's secretive and knowing grin flashed before my eyes.

´'And my word - receive it as you will - is: Heart.'

"His heart?" I eyed him as though he was a few feathers short of a seagull.

His answering grin unnerved me. "I only said heart, you, Violet are the one who associated it with a he.'´


In every world, in almost every story, love has been the destroyer. Love is addictive: it makes people hope, before letting them drop into nothingness. The heart is the weakest link for all who have one.

Like Peter Pan.


I stopped singing and turned around. Smiling sadly at the conclusion I had come to.

Peter looked rather taken aback at my expression, but didn't falter when he spoke.

"Why did you come here?"


"To destroy you."

I sighed softly at the blatant confusion on his pretty face.

"Peter Pan, I swear to you now that I will destroy you," I hesitated, not sure if I should continue.
"I shall destroy you so completely that it won't even matter if you are dead; the mere prospect of such a hollow, meaningless life will mean that it is no longer your playground and death shall beckon you with arms open and so inviting,"

I don't know why, but I didn't like the brief flicker of fear I saw in his eyes that normally shined with a carefree, childlike delight. It wasn't supposed to be there, it looked wrong and out of place. But at the same time, I knew where my loyalties lay.

"Not even you will be able to resist."

Peter Pan had to die.


I was reluctant and uncertain as to how I was too make Pan fall for me, I lived by the sword and would die by the sword. I knew nothing of romance or love, only that I was not supposed to succumb to it.
I was not supposed to feel. I was a defective assassin and a hollow shell of a person. It truly was pitiful, me, pining for a better purpose, a more meaningful life. Longing would never get me anywhere and I would just have to manage with the bloodthirsty life that fate handed me.

I could hope, that maybe, just maybe, the fates had something... More planned for me.

I glanced up at the worryingly blank face of Peter Pan - still processing what I had just told him.
Suddenly he smiled wickedly.

"To die," he whispered arrogantly, "will be an awfully big adventure."

I laughed under my breath as leaves forward so that my mouth was practically in his ear. He didn't pull away.

"You, my dear Peter, are not ready for that adventure."

I did something then that I never thought I would do.

I kissed his cheek.

A bare brush of lips before I was gone.

The shadows of the night draping themselves over me once again.


 ~To jakebugg33. Love you Lou-Lou!! If you guys haven't checked her out, please do! She's an AMAZING poet and a good friend of mine, she deserves quite a bit of credit I'd say :)

Seriously, to my readers, each and every single one of you amazing people are telepathically being sent nutella :)

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