Chapter Ten

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Dedicated to awksturtle22 and Marilyn24


Chapter Ten


It's been hours since Blue-Jay took Violet to 'relieve herself' and I was starting to get impatient. It was almost midday. 

My suspicion obviously goes without saying, no-one takes this long to go to the bloody toilet!

"Oi, Peter!" I recognised the voice calling me as Ashe's. 

I turned expectantly, hoping that he somehow knew something of our prisoner's whereabouts. Which was highly unlikely as he hadn't left the base all day.

Ashe began to jog over to me. When he was by my side, I could clearly see the troubled frown on his face; which was unusual for him, as he was the usually the happier of the two twins. 

"Have you seen my brother?" He panted breathlessly, "I can't find him anywhere."

I could feel my own expression twist into one of confusion. 

"Locke?" I repeated, just to be sure.

Ashe gave a troubled sigh and nodded reluctantly. 

"He's been a bit off ever since that girl showed up," he muttered, half talking to himself. "I don't know what's gotten into him. He's not taken his eyes off of her once."

I had just opened my mouth to respond when I heard Blue-Jay's voice, which meant that the girl, Violet, should be with him too. 

My curiosity about her whereabouts made me hurriedly begin to make my way over to them, just in time to see Locke appear out of nowhere and say to her: 

" You said that you'd gotten used to a Sailor's mouth. What does that mean little girl?" He spat viciously, "Very few know-" 

I decided to cut him off there. 

"Locke!" I boomed from directly behind him, making him jump and spin around. A defiant glint in his eyes. 

"That's enough," I hissed, angry that he question MY prisoner without my say so. "Ashe is looking for you. Go to him, now."

Locke curled his upper lip in disgust. "Why" he said, "should I?"  

I felt my body tense and stiffen, primed for the fight that Locke had made it clear that he wanted. 

"What. Did. You. Just. Say?" I gritted out, pure rage oozing from every articulated word.

Locke, my best friend and comrade, must have been so much more stupid than I had previously thought.

Otherwise he wouldn't have said what he did next.

"That little bitch has told us nothing. NOTHING! Do you not see that?" He paused only to spit at her feet before continuing, his arrogance causing him to be ignorant of the dire situation that he was putting himself in. 

"She will be the death of us all, I just know it! She just appears out of nowhere, tried to kill you twice, no-one knew of her existence until the other day and we don't know shit about her except that she 'is used to a Sailor's mouth' and is deadly-"

He didn't get a chance to finish the sentence however, as his air supply was suddenly cut off by a deceptively delicate looking pale hand wrapping around his throat. I didn't intervene, for fear that she would snap his neck.

I watched Violet, as she slowly pulled Locke backwards so that she could whisper in his ear. I couldn't make out what she was saying, but whatever it was, it definitely didn't appear to be too good as Locke had paled considerably and was struggling against her hold on his neck.

"Let me go!" He cried, the panicky tone to his voice was something that I'd heard only once before... a very long time ago.

As a warning, Violet tightened her grip on his neck and with her other hand, withdrew a - WHERE DID SHE GET A BLOODY DAGGER FROM?!  

I looked down to my waist, to check and see if my trusty pair of daggers were there. There was only one out of the two in the sheath.

That little bitch, she stole my dagger!

"I think that's enough now Violet," I cooed, relaxing my stance in order to appear as non-threatening as possible - despite my intense irritation over the fact that she'd stolen my dagger - the way that you would let a wild thing know that you meant no harm. "Please could you give me my dagger back and let him go?" I nodded towards Locke to show who I meant.

Her eyes flicked to mine, briefly, just for a second. Yet in that short space of time, I saw something indescribably sad in those violet depths of hers.

"Locke you utter pissing idiot."

Everyone at the scenes' heads snapped around to see Ashe standing slightly apart from everybody else and shaking his head softly at his trouble-maker of a brother, amusement shining from his grey-as-ash gaze.

"What did he do to gain a telling off from a girl?"

Locke huffed childishly, "I didn't do anything wrong," he wheezed out indignantly, "I only tried to ask her a few questions."

A short bark of laughter escaped Ashe, "And I bet you were very delicate and polite about it too, weren't you? You bloody pig."

My neck was beginning to ache, from whipping my head from brother to brother throughout the conversation, but when I turned around this time, I saw Violet smiling.

A real smile, not a cold, cynical smirk, a smile. It wasn't perfect or straight, in fact it was slightly crooked and obviously displaying the fact that she didn't smile often.

And for some reason, I thought that smile must be the rarest thing to ever behold.



I had most definitely not liked Locke interrogating Violet, she was MY prisoner, MINE to question and MINE to study. 

Because, essentially, that's what I was doing: studying her like a human 'Scientist' would study a new organism.

Which just so happened to be what I was doing right now.

"Why did you attack him?" I demanded of her, my eyes burning into hers, searching for anything that might give away her true intentions. 

A short snort of derision burst from her, her pretty eyes hardening with distaste and.... self-loathing?

"Because he was telling the truth."


A/N: okay, I'm very sorry for the short and late update, I've been spending almost all of my time trying to finish ask of my work... 

I might not update for awhile because I have a test Coming up this week and I really need to revise because it's science, I hate science... 

Whenever I can, I'll write a bit more :) 

And a huge, HUGE thank you to everyone who is reading and voting for violet :D I love you all!

Goodbye, you Awesome Pigeons xxx

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