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Okay. SO Violet has just gotten over 9,000 reads!

Whoop! Whoop! :D

So, I have decided, that at 9,500 reads, I will add the last Chapter in Hook's POV.

And then at 10,000 I will add an alternate ending.

And then MAYBE



If we get 20,000+ reads I will do a lovey-dovey chapter with Peter and Violet when they're older (alternate reality here where they're not in NeverLand.

Also some particularly loyal fans will be contacted (i.e. comments on almost every chapter and votes) and I will ask your name and you will be a character or I can write a scene of your choice and dedicate it to you!

Hopefully that sounds good?

Love you Awesome Pigeons! XxX

Violet (The Never Series) *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now