Chapter Three

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Chapter Three


I dove towards him with my cutlass raised, my thoughts consumed with the hatred that Hook had forced into me from the time that I spoke my first word. Peter jumped out of the way just in time, causing me to slash into nothing but dry earth, creating a giant cloud of dust.

"You missed me!" he taunts, amusement clear in his tone.

I felt a flicker of irritation towards the arrogant boy, I missed him? We'll soon see about that.

I swung for him again, not taking my eyes off of him for even a second. Peter's eyes widened a fraction, not registering my movements fast enough and I clipped his shoulder just as he began to roll out of my way.

Smug, I twirled around on one foot, caressing the blade of my bloodied cutlass.

"Gotcha." I sang.

The shocked look on his face was priceless, I would bet that not many actually managed to hit him. Peter's eyes flickered to his wound and gently pressed down with his hand to stem the blood flow, he hissed in pain.

For some reason, I felt a tiny flame of guilt burning in the back of my mind, but I quickly doused it before I could find out why. This was because Peter Pan was currently charging towards me with a vicious smile on his face and two razor sharp daggers clutched in his hands.

For once, I actually looked forward to the fight ahead.

Bringing forth my cutlass to rest in both of my hands, I waited until Pan was closer for me to swing. Our blades met with several fiery sparks and a pair of cruel grins.


Our bloody blades danced together for what must have been hours, both covered in cuts and sweat.

I was exhausted, although having spent much longer than this fighting before, I had never actually fought someone who matched my talent in swordfighting before: I was the best of the best and currently unbeaten.

I was dripping in sweat and my muscles were screaming out for rest, yet I refused to stand down. 

Fuelled by desperation, I parried Peter's blows with the waning dregs of my energy.

And then I was unarmed and lying on the floor with Pan's bare, filthy foot resting upon my neck: a sign of dominance. I writhed uselessly against the Forest floor, attempting to escape the pressure on my neck that pinned me to the ground.

"Submit" He panted, struggling to catch his breath.

I lifted my eyes to meet his ocean-blue ones and snarled dangerously,

"Why would I ever submit to a weakling like you?" frustration bloomed within me at his arrogant smirk. 

"What?" I growled: the sound low and dangerous.  

It didn't even faze him.

In fact he burst into loud and deep laugh, which I refused to admit, sounded nice.

When his belly-aching laughter died down and he noticed the impatient expression on my face, he finally answered me.

"I was laughing," he began "because you called me a weakling; when you're the one who's lying on the forest floor because you lost to Peter Pan!"

My eye twitched.

"I don't even know you," he continued "yet you fight like I have wronged you greatly." His eyes regarded me curiously now, free to roam wherever they may please.

"Stop that!" I hissed angrily.

Peter only smirked. I huffed in frustration  

"So what exactly are you going to do with me then, Pan?" I enquired in a monotonous voice, feigning disinterest.

"Well," he said "First I'm going to tie you up with this rope," he gestured towards the rope attached to the belt around his waist, "then I'm going to gloat all the way back to base-camp."

At the mention of base-camp, the wheels in my mind began to turn. Maybe I could get on Pan's good side and kill him when he least expects it.

I lowered my head, allowing my long hair to hide the smile that was widening rapidly.

For once, maybe losing was the best thing that could have ever happened...


Ok, I just wanted to apologise for how long it took for me to update.

Also, I'm currently attempting to write six or more stories (you will not find all of these on my profile as I've not published them yet.), however, at the moment I will be trying as hard as I can to update once a week but if I manage this, it will be to update EITHER Violet or Sorrows of the Soul.

if you have any questions about this then please leave me a message.

OKAY! :) 

if you do like what I've written so far then please, Please, PLEASE

Comment - because I'd like to know what you think :) 


Vote - because I'd like to know if it's good :D

Love all of you awesome pigeons!! xxx

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