Chapter 2: Roommate

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"C'mon, George. Mom and dad will kill me if I go home without you again."

George sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance. He placed his book down in his lap and met Wilbur's pleading eyes.

"Wilbur, how many time do I have to say it; I'm not going home. There's a big test coming up and I won't be able to study back home. Mom and dad would leave me alone for more than a few minutes."

The two brothers were sat in the school's library. The library looked like something straight out of Hogwarts. Shelves decorating every part of the walls with windows placed just underneath the roof, allowing natural light to be let in.

The whole school had the same vibe. It could've easily been taken out of an old British movie. That might be the reason why George loved it so much. It felt homely despite being located across the world.

Both George and Wilbur chose to move away to study a few years ago. George was thankful to have Wilbur with him, but his brother was much fonder of England than he was and would constantly try and get George to follow him back there during the breaks. 

Wilbur rose from his leather chair. "Fine, Gogy. But I'll tell them that you hate them and never wants to see them again when I get home." Wilbur said teasingly. George rolled his eyes and directed his attention back to the book again. Wilbur took it as a sign to leave his brother alone and left the library. George let out a breath, a quiet environment was a rarity at college. However, it didn't last long.

"Oh, George, great!" George lifted his eyes and saw the school's principal standing in front of him.

The sudden approached made George nervous. "Sir? How may I help you?"

"You've gotten assigned a new roommate. He will be in your classes as well. So, I've made it your job to make him feel welcome." The principal stated, leaving George speechless.

He wanted to laugh. Poor guy. George was a sucker for lone time and probably the least interesting person to share a dorm with.

"When will he be here, sir?" George questioned. Trying to hide his disappointment at the revelation that his private space would have to be shared with someone else.

The principal clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth. "Actually, he's here already. So, I would appreciate it if you could go and meet him straight away."  George wanted to object but knew that it wouldn't be appreciated. So, he closed his book and got up from his chair. "Sure, may I ask his name?"

"Clay, Clay Smith."

Smith? It sounded like the first name someone would choose as a cover name.

"Okay. Thank you, sir."

George left his comfort zone in the library and headed towards his dorm. He decided to knock as he got closer. It felt bizarre to knock on your own dorm, however George didn't want his first interaction with his roommate to be more awkward then necessary.

As he opened the door, his eyes were immediately drawn to the boy sitting on the usual empty bed opposite of George's own. The guy had dark blonde hair that nearly reached his shoulders, an athletic frame and as he turned towards George, he noticed the piercing green eyes.

Call him judgmental, but this guy sure didn't look like a biology major.

George realized that he was staring. "Uh sorry. My name's George and I've been informed that you're my new roommate." He cringed at the forced politeness in his voice. The blonde boy looked at George like he had seen a ghost, making George a little uncomfortable. Though, the newcomer's expression quickly changed as he got up from the bed and walked towards George.

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