Chapter 27: Subconscious

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The two hitmen quickly began their journey. Dream was once again dressed in his usual mission-gear, including his fingerless gloves, cargo pants and the Smiley-mask. Techno had brought him a bag with the most essential things, such as a gun, a pocketknife, food, and some cash. It also contained a little black device which Dream concluded to be some type of communication gear, which he placed in his pocket.

Dream found it slightly aggravating that Techno had prepared so well, almost like he'd known all along that Dream would say yes.

They travelled in silence. Emotions were off, but Dream couldn't completely let himself trust Techno. Sure, he blindly followed him to an unknown location. But Techno could still decide to betray him. Their past wasn't exactly "travel-buddy"-material. The thought of trying to overthrow the pink-haired guy and steal the hard drive had crossed his mind. However, despite Dream's lack of conscious and somewhat critical thinking, he still knew that his odds against Techno was low.

As the night sky rolled in, Techno signaled that it's time to stop for the day. They agreed to stay the night in the woods. A small wooden wind shelter with a fireplace beside it ended up being their house for the night.

At least that was the original plan. Techno was in the process of removing his hideous pig mask and making some sad excuse for a bed while Dream stayed on the opposite side of the small building, carefully following the hitman's every move. It baffled him how completely unbothered Techno appeared, to such a point that it looked like he was about to fall asleep. Dream, however, had no such plan. He wanted full supervision over his newfound companion.

Well, until his brain decided otherwise. One minute he was in the woods, but then suddenly he found himself on recognizable wooden platform located high above the clouds.

He groaned internally when the weird flying creature approached him. It always startled him when its voice rang through his head, and it weirded him out that the "thing" didn't have a face, or eyes for that matter.

The emotionless voice disturbed his thoughts. "I'm simply a projection created by your subconscious. Do not dread me as I'm noting more than illusion molded by you, Clay"

Dream shrugged. He was 80 percent sure that the creature just read his mind.

"What do you want this time?" Dream asked cautiously. Previous times had all left him emotionally confused. The being had a tendency to either don't speak at all and give Dream the silent treatment until he broke or ask the most absurd questions.

Dream waited for an answer. However, the answer he received was a wave of emotions hitting him as they returned. Pictures of George's face when he'd been told the truth about Dream's identity, overflooded his mind.

How could George still love him?

Another memory resurfaced; the night when Dream had kidnapped him. George had expressed that he believed that Dream was a dangerous person but then proceeded to kiss him.

Right then, in his wicked state, did Dream make a silent promise. Schlatt would die, but when that was done, he'd disappear from the world and start new somewhere where no one knew who he was and what he'd done.

George deserved better, he deserved to finish his studies, find a person who hadn't tormented and killed people for years. No one deserved to deal with someone carrying that baggage. His family was right to leave him.

He was unlovable. Undeserving of affection.

"Why do you believe that you have the right to choose who loves you?"

Dream furrowed his brows and stared at the creature. "What the fuck are you on about? I'm not choosing anything for anyone, I'm making it so that they can have the life they deserve." His tone slowly rising as he spoke.

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