Chapter 12: University

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A dark silhouette came running towards them as Sapnap and George waited outside the house.

The white smiley-mask became visible, and so did crimson liquid that covered him from head to toe. George felt chills running down his spine as Dream got closer. Even though George knew who was hiding behind the mask and had been inform what Dream needed to do. The imagery of a tall, masked, bloodied man running towards you, could've easily been something taken straight out of a horror movie.

George subconsciously stepped back when Dream got closer. The smell of blood filled his nostrils and even Sapnap seemed taken back by how brutal Dream appeared. The blonde tilted his mask upwards and, which decreased the brutal scenery a little.

Dream's face was blank. The green eyes showed no signs of emotion. George speculated that it might be a survival mechanism, still it felt unsettling that Dream didn't even show the slightest hint of regret.

"What's the plan now?" Dream asked in a casual tone.

George gave Sapnap a look to signal that he could tell Dream their next move.

Sapnap thankfully took the hint. "We need to get to the university."

Dream raised an eyebrow. "Why? Can't we contact Mr. Davidson in some less public way?"

George had weighed their options and concluded that he needed to get ahold of Wilbur. Something told him that his brother knew something he didn't. George never had a close relationship with his dad, not in the same way his brother had. Therefore, he feared that his dad might deny everything if George accused him of his unethical doings. But with Wilbur by his side, it felt like the success rate would be higher.

"I need to find Wilbur." George answered shortly. Dream's eyes bounced between them both.

"How are we suppose to get into a highly crowded university without waking suspicion?"

George huffed. "You're hitmen, aren't you? Surely, you must've snuck into places before?"

Dream rolled his eyes. "Yeah, but it doesn't necessary mean that it's easy. You and I are most likely on 'missing people'-posters everywhere."

"Then we do it at night. Get to our old room and pray that it's still empty." George countered.

"George, you can't put your hopes to a 'maybe'" Dream voice revealed the irritation beneath the surface.

"Well, Dream, do you have a better idea?" George said, matching Dream's energy. Dream squinted his eyes and was about to answer before Sapnap interrupted.

"You two, shut the fuck up, please. You're starting to sound like an old married couple." Sapnap declared in annoyance. "George knows his family the best, we're just gonna have to trust his judgement."

Dream glared between them before finally giving in. "Fine. But don't you dare put the blame one me if it fails."

George smirked in victory.

Sapnap walked over to Dream and gave him a set of new clothes, claiming that dripping in blood wasn't the way to fit in.


George learned that the house he had been held captive in wasn't that far from campus.

They agreed to break in through the window to avoid as many people as possible. The dorms were placed on the first floor, so getting in wasn't too difficult. Sapnap managed to unlock the window and climb in. George wasn't the most athletic person on planet Earth and therefore had a more difficult time following Sapnap's example. Dream must've noticed as George suddenly felt strong hands gripping his waist and lifting him up.

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