Chapter 5: Trapped

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When your parents tell you not to drink alcohol and party, they couldn't possible have meant because you might end up in a creepy basement surrounded by creepy people.

Although George could confirm that it wasn't an impossible scenario, unfortunately. Details on how he had gotten there was a bit fussy. He recalled the party, alcohol, Clay and then everything was blank. He awoke, chained to the wall in what looked like a dungeon, taken straight out of a horror movie. Walls, floor, and ceiling was all made out of concrete. Lattice sealed him in even further, as if the chains around his ankles and wrists weren't enough. The only light sources was one single lightbulb that hung over a square wooden table and a small window.

Two people sat by the table, playing some sort of card game. Both had all black clothes accompanied by a mask. One of the had a white bandana tied around his head with a black mask plus sunglasses. He was the only one who had said anything. The other one, who wore a creepy smiley-mask, wrote down everything on a paper instead of talking.

It was difficult to estimate how long George had been there. He tried to ask the two guys what they wanted with him but got no response. The one with a bandana had asked what his dad worked with. It felt like such a peculiar question. George's dad was just a normal man. A pharmacist with a past as a scientist.

The chains around his wrists were starting to cut into the skin, every movement hurt worse for every minute that past. His pride had been in charge in the beginning. Refusing to answer any questions and did his worst at cooperating. But the pride faltered as time passed. Now, he was more thang willing to beg his kidnappers to take away the chains. His chances of escaping would still be close to zero.

He rattled the chains to gain the guys attention. They both turned his way and George gave them a pleading look before holding up his arms. "Please." His voice was hoarse and quiet from the lack of moisture. They turned back to their game and George was sure that they would just ignore him. However, the guy with the smiley face wrote something on a paper and rose slowly. He approached the cell and held up the paper.

'I will slit your throat if you try and escape.' It read. The silent treatment was somehow even more scary than the verbal threats he had received from the other one. Terror increased when George spotted the knife in the guy's hand. The smiley-guy was both taller and more athletic built than George, which was terrifying in itself. So, a knife did nothing to make him feel less intimidated.

To distinguish any emotions through the mask was impossible. George crawled as close to the wall as he could, dreading what might happen next. The guy crouched down next to him and took a surprisingly careful hold George's chained wrists. The knife was gone, and the glove covered hands of his kidnapper, held a key instead. 

George sighed quietly as the chains fell to the ground. He tried to retract his hands, but the guy had a firm grip around them and seemed to be examining the damage. A question that he desperately wanted ask to pop up in George's head once again.

"Did you kill my friend?" He whispered. The situation was like a cloud in his head. Last thing he remembered was him and Clay on the bed. George wanted, no needed, to know if the blonde died that night.

The masked guy closest to him tilted his head to the side. The grip around George's wrist loosened. Something about the person's demeanor threw him off, making him draw the worst conclusion.

"You fucking killed him, didn't you?!" George spat. Rage burned through his body. None of his captures said or did anything. An object laying on the floor caught George's attention, it was his kidnapper's knife. He grabbed it and acted on impulse as he drove the blade into the left bicep of the masked man. A painful sound escaped the masked man and right there's when George realized his mistake as the guy stood up and lifted his foot and aimed for George's head. The impact was quick and caused George to lose his conscious.

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