Chapter 7: Bill Bergson

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Dream woke up with a throbbing headache. His arm didn't take long to remind him about the wound either.

It took a while to get used to the lightning but when his eyes had adjusted to the dark setting, it hit him where he was: The basement. However, this time it was Dream turn to be held captive. Judging by the lack of light from the window and the sleeping figure curled up on the opposite side of the cell, it was fair to assume that it was night.

"I see that you're finally awake." A bored voice stated out of nowhere. Dream swiftly turned to where he estimated the origin of the voice had come from. He found Techno looking at him with a bored expression.

"Techno, what the hell am I doing in here?" Techno wore a mask made out of a pig skull with all black clothes. The sight was terrifying, especially if you knew what the man behind the mask was capable of.

"You're in there to keep playing your part. Think of it as working as a double agent." Techno stated.

"Techno, this will never work! George is too smart; he'll see right through it." Dream hissed, careful not to wake George up by talking too loudly. Techno stood up and walked closer and crouched down on the other side of the fence.

"You're underestimating your charisma, Dream. You should've heard how he shouted and cursed as we dragged your body down here. We even had to sedate him." Techno said with a hint of amusement.

Dream glanced around to cell and found that neither of them were chained anymore and he was back in the same green shirt that he had worn the night he kidnapped George. Techno leaned closer. "Everything's a game, Dream. Play your part correctly and it will all be fine. Fail to do so..." The sentence was left unfinished, but Dream had no issues guessing potential outcomes. Both remained quiet until Techno stood up and started making his was up the stairs. Dream let out a breath when the hitman closed the door. He knew that the room didn't contain any cameras or interception devices. Therefore, he dared to approach the sleeping brunette. He cringed when he saw the bruise on the side of George's face, painfully aware that he had caused it. He carefully shook George's shoulder but only received a quiet mumble in response.

It must be so scary, being trapped here without knowing why. Pity caused Dream to slump down next to George and lifted him up slightly, so his head was resting against Dream chest. The brunette protested for a second before his breathing got even again. Dream let his fingers detangle the brown locks and removed the hair from the sleeping individual's face. He leaned his head against the wall and closed his eyes. Fuck. Everything was a mess. If he only could get George to talk. But there was still no guarantee that the brit knew anything. And it wasn't like Schlatt had promised to let George go, even if he revealed that he knew something. It was more likely to assume that Schlatt would keep him captive for as long as he deemed George to be of use.

Project 404. What could Mr. Davidson have done that was so controversial that he lost his license and had to flee the country? It didn't make sense, George seemed like anyone else. The only feature that Dream could connect to genetic mutations was the eyes. But even Dream knew that it wasn't unheard of for people to have different colored eyes. It was rare, but not impossible. 


Bleak sunbeams slowly made their way into the room. Dream guessed that it was about six in the morning. George was still deep asleep, but Dream refused to wake him up. He would let him sleep as long as possible. Maybe it could redeem him from ending up in the lowest level of hell if he did some acts of kindness.

His body ached from the hard concrete floor and walls. His legs urged him to get up, yet he didn't obey. The brit stirred in his sleep and Dream suspected that he was about to wake up. He let his fingers run through the soft locks once more.

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