Chapter 13: Wilbur

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Dream stared at the intruder. Of fucking course it was him.

"Damien?" George said, voice laced with disbelief.

Damien didn't answer as his gaze kept bouncing between George and Dream. His eyes ultimately landed on Dream, who saw the rage that was blooming behind them. Dream suddenly found himself forced against a wall with an arm pressing on his airways. George began protesting but Damien shouted at him to shut up and threatened to hurt Dream further if he didn't comply.

Dream felt how his own anger started to overtake his body. Damien kept staring at him as the pressure against his throat increased.

"You got some nerve. Showing up here again AND bringing your victim with you." Damien spat, increasing the pressure even further. Dream decided that he'd had enough. Damien had an athletic frame and was nearly as tall as Dream. But it didn't take many minutes for Dream to bring the guy down.

He drove his knee straight up in the guy's forbidden parts. Damien grunted in pain and fell to the floor. Dream took a shivering breath before he kicked the guy in the jaw hard enough for it to hurt but leaving him conscious. His right hand gripped the guy's collar and threw him against the wall. Damien's head slumped to the side, showing clear signs that he was in pain.

Sapnap must've heard the incident as the ravenette stormed out of the bathroom. However, Dream was consumed by an unreasonable amount of rage and didn't hear George and Sapnap's panicked voices as he reach for his knife.

Strong arms then harshly pushed him to the floor and broke him free from the trance-like state.

"You moron! The guy is barely conscious, why the fuck did you pull out your knife? Were you planning on stabbing him to death or something!?" Sapnap shouted.

Dream looked down on his right hand that still gripped the knife. What was he really planning on doing? He glanced at George's whose face was pale with a mortified expression. Shit. Dream was confused by his on action. It was unusual for him to lose his temper so quickly.

He mumbled a quiet excuse and stood up. Sapnap continued to glare at him. George pushed past Dream and crouched down next to Damien and took a sturdy hold of the guy's jaw to examine the damage. Dream felt the anger return, although he didn't act on it this time.

It was like he didn't know himself anymore. Something about the outburst of anger felt off.

"He seems to have a mild concussion." George concluded. Damien mumbled something incoherent. George rose and his gaze landed on Dream for a short second before he exchanged a worried look with Sapnap. Dream hated that it felt like his two companions were hiding something from him.

"We need to get to Wilbur. Now." George stated with a strained voice.

Dream cleared his throat. "Right. Let's go then." But just as Dream motioned towards the door, he felt a hand on his chest, stopping him from moving. His eyes drifted from the hand to George and shot him a confused look.

"You can't follow; besides, someone needs to stay with Damien." George said.

"Oh c'mon. Why do I have to be the babysitter?" Dream whined.

George rolled his eyes. "One; you caused his injuries. Two; Wilbur doesn't trust you."

"And you think he'll trust Sapnap more?" Dream countered.

"Dream! Stop being difficult." George words were laced with annoyance.

Dream was about to protest before Sapnap interfered, clearly tired of their arguing. "You two are the worst combination I've ever encountered. Dream, shut up and stay here. It won't take long."

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