Chapter 11: Empathy

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A/N: I usually don't specify TW for each chapter. However, this chapter will contain some rather descriptive violence. So, just keep that in mind if you're sensitive to such stuff. ;)

Dream found himself back in the cell. Rassling chains were attached to his wrists and ankles. His body ached but it was to be expected. Mumbling drew his attention towards his cellmate who was whispering about something with Sapnap.

Dream didn't know if they'd noticed that he was awake.

Why did they suddenly seem so close? Dream furrowed his brows as he tried to gather what they were talking about.

George's eyes caught his but Dream quickly looked away as shame washed over him. Now George knew the truth. Schlatt had exposed everything. Dream wished to go back in time, maybe then he could've told George the truth earlier and possibly get a more successful outcome. George's face when Schlatt told him the truth still haunted him. He wanted to tell George that he genuinely cared about him, despite the lies that were the reason that they even met in the first place.

Because that much he knew. He genuinely cared about the brunette. He envied the people who were allowed to be a part of the brit's life.

An old memory resurfaced. George had kissed him. Kissed him. And Dream had kissed back. The brunette didn't seem to remember that little part of the night, but Dream sure did. Something about George made Dream want to get closer, protect him from all the evils in this world. He wanted to be able to call the brunette his.

Dream even surprised himself with the realization. Although his heart sunk as he glanced over at the brit. There was no way that it would ever become reality.

"Dream, how are you feeling?" Sapnap suddenly asked. Dream barely registered that it was him Sapnap was referring to. He had gotten so used to being called his birth name again that the name 'Dream' felt misplaced.

He tried to reach for his head that was aching from whatever they did to him. But was stopped mid-way as the chains restricted his movements. He closed his eyes, and a sigh escaped his mouth.

"Fine. No noticeable side-effects yet."

George and Sapnap exchanged a weary look when he opened his eyes. He furrowed his brows but chose not to question.

"Dream..." Sapnap paused. "... How would you rate your form?"

Dream laughed. "My form? I've got a half-healed stab wound on my arm and got injected with some weird shit that will alter my DNA. I'd say I've been better." Just as he finished his sentences was when he realized his mistake as George's eyes widened when they landed on Dream's arm. That Dream had been the Smiley-guy wasn't a secret anymore, however George didn't fully seem to have connected the dots on who he had stabbed and who in return had kicked him unconscious.

Dream attached his focus on Sapnap to avoid having to face George. It was an inevitable conversation, but Dream was in no hurry to get to that topic.

"... But, I'd say I'm half decent at least." Dream continued. Sapnap nodded but didn't elaborate.

Something was going on and Dream felt like they were talking in morse code or something. "Just tell me what's going on." Dream commanded.

"We're planning on escaping and try to find a way to reach my dad." George stated with a strained voice.

Dream stared between the two. They couldn't be serious. Schlatt would never let the out alive.

"You gotta be joking? Schlatt would track us down and then skin us alive. He's desperate, desperate enough to go to extremes just to get what he wants."

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