Chapter 23: Family

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It was surprising, and terrifying, to see that the motorcycle was still intact and apparently the way that they'd reach their next destination. Dream tossed George a helmet. Dream put on a helmet of his own, so George figured that there's no time to stall. Both guys wore black face masks underneath the helmet, that covered half their face. Dream had ditched the smiley-mask, deeming it to revealing.

The plan was surprisingly easy. Techno's thumbscrew was that fact that he had a family. George was shocked by the confession, the Techno he'd encountered had seemed like the most cold-hearted person on this earth. That he had a family who he cared about was beyond surprising. The correlation between a hitman and family wasn't something that added up in George's head. That also got him thinking. Did Dream, or Sapnap for that matter, have a family? Dream had never mentioned anyone. Therefore, George had assumed that he didn't

But back to the plan. To just burst in through the door didn't seem like an effective strategy. Therefore, they were going to use George's injured leg as an excuse, because Techno's mom was apparently a nurse. How Dream knew all of this was something George didn't want answered.

The ride there was horrible. George held on to Dream for dear life. He now knew that he hated motorcycles and it didn't help that Dream drove like a bloody maniac.

Thankfully though, their destination wasn't that far from the hotel. Despite his injured leg, George practically flew off the vehicle the moment they stopped outside a house. Dream removed his helmet and ruffled the blonde locks with his hand. Something about it was extremely attractive, George refused to admit it, but a faint blush spread across his face.

Though it faded when their eyes met. The green eyes looked so familiar, yet so wicked.

George sighed at took off his own helmet just in time to feel Dream drape his arm around his waist. "Pretend to limp, it will make it more believable." Dream whispered. George held back an eyeroll; he would've limped either way. His leg was actually injured.

The pair made their way to the front door. It was an adorable little red house with a big garden blooming on the other side. There were a few houses close by that followed the same theme. The sun was getting low, which intensified the homely feeling. George's heart ached when he heard children laughing in the distance. His conscious was killing him. However, as his gaze landed on Dream, it was clearly not a shared feeling.

Dream's face was emotionless as he knocked on the door, although it lit up to a friendly smile the second the door opened. A middle-aged man opened the door with a somewhat confused expression. He'd grey, friendly eyes, choppy blonde hair that was mostly covered by a green hat that matched the man's forest-green shirt.

"'Ello, how may I help you?" The man asked. The British accent felt like a punch to the gut. George refused to believe that this kind man was linked to some hitman.

"Sorry to bother you, sir, but my boyfriend managed to injure his leg rather badly. You wouldn't have a first aid kit or something similar?"


George had to stop himself from letting his shock show. Was Dream really playing that card? Well, obviously. Somehow it was slightly heartbreaking. He knew that he loved Dream, the real Dream. He would've happily accepted that label under other circumstances. But now?

The man's gaze landed on George's leg before he gave him a sympathetic look. "Kristen, can you come here?"

A lady that wore the same caring expression got closer. She gave them both a warm smile. She radiated "mom"-energy, the kind that made George trust her in an instance.

"What seems to be the problem?" She questioned. Surprisingly enough, she had an American accent.

George gathered his confidence and acting skills before he spoke. "So sorry to bother you two, we're not from the area and I think I sprained my knee."

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