Chapter 8: Truth

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A/N: Hello there! :) the following two chapters will contain some gene stuff. I'm definitely no expert, so the details will not be 100% correct.

Anyways, enjoy!!

Maybe it wasn't so hard to believe that people didn't notice that Clark Kent was Superman when he wore his glasses. George sure could've never guessed the truth about his dad's past, and he had known the man for over 20 years. Or so he thought.

It had been five days since his disappearance. Surely someone must've started searching for him, and Clay, by now. Speaking of Clay, the blonde was currently brought upstairs. They were brought upstairs every morning, one at the time to use the bathroom. It was selfish to admit, but George was grateful for Clay's company. The blonde's presence made the situation more tolerable. They were always curled up together during the night when no one was there. Clay felt safe, too safe.

Two guys were constantly quizzing them during the day. Most questions revolved around George's dad. However, he was just as clueless about the subject as his kidnappers seemed to be. He couldn't help but wonder if Wilbur or his mom knew anything about this. The smiley-guy that George stabbed was also not seen again. He had been replaced by an even scarier guy that looked like he wore the corpse of a pig.

They must be trying some good-cop-bad-cop technique. The one with the white bandana usually did the talking while the pig guy sat in the background, either reading through some papers or glancing around in boredom.

How long could this go on before they understood that George was of no use to them?

George was currently alone with the pig man. He tried not to look at his capturer as George felt like his actions were  too unpredictable.

Angry voices forced George's attention towards the stairs. The door opened with bang and Clay was once again dragged down the stairs, only this time he wasn't unconscious. George saw bruises covering the visible parts of his body and heard aggressive muffles from his cellmate, whose mouth was covered with tape. Clay was thrown into the cell by the guy with the bandana. George felt the need to check on him by the masked man blocked the way. A fifth figure slanted down the stairs. His hair was brown, accompanied by prominent sideburns and a mustache. He wore a black suit with a red tie, which made George draw the conclusion that this was some sort of leader over the little gang.

George made eye contact with the newcomer who gave him an ominous smile.

"Ah, how lovely. You're awake." He exclaimed. George drew the conclusion that he was talking to him. George glared in response. A bunt of papers that George often saw the pig man shuffling through, laid on the table. The suited man quickly picked them up and indicated for the man with the pig mask to follow.

George pressed himself as close to the wall as possible. The man crouched down on the other side of the fence and flaunted the papers in his hand.

"I've heard a lot about you, George." George didn't dare to move a muscle. This guy was intimidating, and the fact that he knew stuff about him, or more specifically his family, made him no less intimidating.

The papers were suddenly thrown in George's direction along with a pen and paper.

"You don't seem to know too much about your dad's past, from my understanding. Which I'll admit is a shame." The man in the suit paused. "Do you know how many people there's been who've tried to get a hold of your dad because of those papers?" It felt like a rhetorical question, so George remained silent. The man squinted his eyes in George's direction.

"You can imagine my disappointment when I saw the nonsense that the paper contained. I was about to give up until a little bird whispered in my ear that you might be able to translate it." That little bird was clearly Clay, not that George blamed him. Plus, if he was able to translate it, maybe they would set both him and Clay free. Yet, something urged him to refuse the given task. His dad had most likely kept it a secret for a reason. George wasn't even sure if he wanted to know what the study was about. The scary man must've sensed George's hesitation to complete the given task, because he quickly stood up and nodded to the man with a pig mask.

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